From: Jack Leigh
Message: 9496
Date: 2008-07-28
> Hello,
> I'm trying to determine the exact and complete conjugation of the verb
> "Hefja" (hefr, hóf, hófu, hafinn/hafiðr - heave, begin).
> From Sweet's Icelandic Primer, hefja, deyja and hlæja are similar to
> fara or vaxa, but have weak presents, which looks consistent with the
> modern icelandic conjugation:
> What I'm really unsure about is:
> 1- Is the 2nd pers. pl., pres. indic. "hefjið" or "hefið ?
> 2- Is the root vowel in the past subjunctive "æ" or "œ" (as in fara) ?
> Could someone help me ? Thanks in advance !
> Gaël Deest
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