Eftir það sló á þá höfga svo miklum að þeir máttu eigi vöku halda og sofna þeir allir.
After that they were struck with a drowsiness (G) so great that they could not keep awake and they all slept (couldn't keep their eyes open)
Þá kom kall yfir þá svo að þeir vöknuðu allir.
Then came a cry (Z) so loud that they all woke up
Svo segir kallið: "Vaki þú Þorvaldur og allt föruneyti þitt ef þú vilt líf
þitt hafa og far þú á skip þitt og allir menn þínir og farið frá landi sem
Thus it said (the voice)  "Awake thou Thorvald and all your fellow travellers (Z) - go to your ship and all your men and leave (this) land as quickly as possible. (get the heck out)
Þá fór innan eftir firðinum ótal húðkeipa og lögðu að þeim.
Then came from our of the  fjord untold/countless (CV) hide craft (skin covered boats) sailing straight towards them
Þorvaldur mælti þá: "Vér skulum færa út á borð vígfleka og verjast sem best en vega lítt í mót."
Thorvald then spoke "We shall get/set up on the side (of the ship) a mantel of boards (Z) and defend as best (as we are able) but fight 
as little as we can
Svo gera þeir en Skrælingjar skutu á þá um stund en flýja síðan í burt sem ákafast hver sem mátti.
This they did, when the Skrælings (a name given by the Norsemen to the people here-to-fore known as Eskimo - now Inuit) shot at them for a while they (then) took flight at once away (burt-brott) as fast as they were able
Þá spurði Þorvaldur menn sína ef þeir væru nokkuð sárir. Þeir kváðust eigi sárir vera.
Then Thorvald asked his men if there were any wounded. They  declared for themselves none to be wounded
"Ég hef fengið sár undir hendi", segir hann, "og fló ör milli skipborðsins
og skjaldarins undir hönd mér og er hér örin,
"I have been wounded under (the) arm" says he, "the arrow flew between the edge of the ship and the shield and into my armpit
en mun mig þetta til bana leiða.
and this will lead to my death (lit. this to me will lead to my bane)
Nú ræð ég að þér búið ferð yðra sem fljótast aftur á leið en þér
skuluð færa mig á höfða þann er mér þótti byggilegast vera.
Now I advise/counsel you to prepare for your journey (to home) as quickly as you are able, after you make way you should take me to the Cape - that one where I thought I could make a Farm
Má það vera að mér hafi satt á munn komið að eg muni þar búa á um stund.
May be that I have spoken truth,(sanna-satt) that it came to me and I shall live there for a while.[I was not sure of this]
Þar skuluð þér mig grafa og setja krossa að höfði mér og að fótum og kallið það Krossanes jafnan síðan."
There shall you bury me and set up a Cross at the head and the foot  and you can call it Krossanes (Cross Ness) for ever afterward.
Grænland var þá kristnað en þó andaðist Eiríkur rauði fyrir kristni.
Greenland was converted at that time (by that time?) but Eirik the Red had died before before it (or he) had been made Christian
Nú andaðist Þorvaldur en þeir gerðu allt eftir því sem hann hafði mælt og fóru síðan og hittu þar förunauta sína
Now Thorvald died and they did all after he had spoken (according to his wishes) and went to meet their companions.
og sögðu hvorir öðrum slík tíðindi sem vissu
and each (of the two groups ) told it's tidings to the other as they learned/had found out 
og bjuggu þar þann vetur og fengu sér vínber og vínvið til skips
and lived /stayed there for the winter, and took grapes (lit. wineberries) and vines to their ships
Nú búast þeir þaðan um vorið eftir til Grænlands og komu skipi sínu í
Eiríksfjörð og kunnu Leifi að segja mikil tíðindi.
Now they then prepared the following spring (to travel) to Greenland.
They took the ship into EiriksFjorð and knew to (were able to) tell Leif a great amount of news.
I did reach some parts that were  new and some new(for me) words to learn - any critique will be welcomed
The name used - of the Inuit - Skræling - seems to have it's origin in a word meaning shouting or shreiking (could that be correct)