Á einhverju kveldi bar það til tíðinda að manns var vant af liði
þeirra og var það Tyrkir suðurmaður.
It was one certain evening that brought news (tidings)
that one man was missing from their company and it was Tyrkir the
Leifur kunni því stórilla því að Tyrkir hafði lengi verið með þeim feðgum
og elskað mjög Leif í barnæsku.
Leif learned this very badly [(stórilla)he was upset)]
for Tyrkir had been a long time with them father and son (with Leif and his
father Eric) and greatly loved Leif from his childhood
Taldi Leifur nú mjög á hendur förunautum sínum og bjóst til ferðar að leita
hans og tólf menn með honum.
Leif greatly reproached the hands (actions ?) of his
followers and prepared to go seek him, taking twelve men with him
En er þeir voru skammt komnir frá skála þá gekk Tyrkir í mót þeim og var
honum vel fagnað.
And they were come but a short way from the Houses
when Tyrkir walked to meet them and they welcomed him well (gladly)
Leifur fann það brátt að fóstra hans var skapgott. Hann var
brattleitur og lauseygur, smáskitlegur í andliti, lítill vexti og
vesallegur en íþróttamaður á alls konar hagleik.
Leif found at once that his fosterfather was (skapgott
-G in good spirits) in good spirits - happy. He had a heavy/projecting forhead
and roving eyes, small in the face (?small featured) - but little grown and ill
favoured (G) but a skilled man at all kinds of handcrafts
Þá mælti Leifur til hans: "Hví varstu svo seinn fóstri minn og
Then spoke Leif to him "Why were you thus slow (?late)
my fosterfather and separated from our company"
Hann talaði þá fyrst lengi á þýsku og skaut marga vega augunum og gretti
sig. En þeir skildu eigi hvað er hann sagði.
He spoke at first for a long time in the German
language (G) and with his eyes ?(in all directions) They understood not what he
was saying.
Hann mælti þá á norrænu er stund leið: "Eg var genginn eigi miklu
lengra en þið. Kann eg nokkur nýnæmi að að segja. Eg fann vínvið og
He spoke then in Norse after a time "I had gone along
not much further than you (yourself). I know some news to tell you, I found
vines and grapes"
"Mun það satt fóstri minn?" kvað Leifur.
"Can this be true my fosterfather" asks
"Að vísu er það satt," kvað hann, "því að eg var þar fæddur er hvorki
skorti vínvið né vínber."
" Sure it is true" says he " because where I was born
there was no lack of vines and grapes" [knows what he is talking
Nú sváfu þeir af þá nótt en um morguninn mælti Leifur við háseta
"Nú skal hafa tvennar sýslur fram og skal sinn dag hvort, lesa vínber eða
höggva vínvið og fella mörkina svo að það verði farmur til skips míns."
Now they slept that night and in the morning Leif
spoke to his crew
"Now we shall have work of two kinds (G) to goand shall
one day take (pick) grapes (lit. wine berries) and cut vines and another
day fell (chop down) forest and so make a load for my
Og þetta var ráðs tekið.
And this was the plan they took
Svo er sagt að eftirbátur þeirra var fylltur af vínberjum.
So it is said that their ship's boat (lit.afterboat -
well it was dragged along behind?) was full of grapes
Nú var hogginn farmur á skipið.
Then they cut/chopped a load of wood for the
Og er vorar þá bjuggust þeir og sigldu burt og gaf Leifur nafn
eftir landkostum og kallaði Vínland,
And when it was spring they made themselves ready and
sailed away, and Leif named the land after it's natural features and called it
sigla nú síðan í haf og gaf þeim vel byri þar
til er þeir sáu Grænland og fjöll undir jöklum.
They sail now afterwards out to sea and with a good
breeze they saw Greenland and the hills and glaciers
Þá tók einn maður til máls og mælti við Leif: "Hví stýrir þú svo mjög
undir veður skipinu?"
Then one of the men spoke out (lit took to speech) and
asked Leif "Why do you steer the ship so close to the wind"
Leifur svaraði: "Eg hygg að stjórn minni en þó enn að fleira. Eða
sjáið þér til tíðinda?"
Leif replied "I keep to my course but still to
more/other things - and what do you see - of note?"
(sjáið þér til tiðinða?) I saw this as - Leif was
("I am watching my steering - but do you not see -
anything else - worth mentioning/reporting)
I found a heap of new words here and made full use of
my dictionaries
Not dissatisfied with it but not happy either -
Critique welcome