You all seemed to get through that without major problems, the main exception being that one little bit in the first paragraph that threw Grace and Patricia. Here's my go, along with a few notes that should hopefully clear up the confusing bits. Let me know if there's anything else any of you are still unsure of.

> Eiríkur taldist heldur undan, kveðst þá vera hniginn í aldur og kveðst minna
> mega við vosi öllu en var. Leifur kveður hann enn mundu mestri heill stýra
> af þeim frændum. Og þetta lét Eiríkur eftir Leifi og ríður heiman þá er þeir
> eru að því búnir og var þá skammt að fara til skipsins. Drepur hesturinn
> fæti, sá er Eiríkur reið, og féll hann af baki og lestist fótur hans.

Eiríkr said he'd rather not. He declares himself to be advanced in years then and says he's less able [to cope] with the hardship of bad weather than he used to be. Leifr says he'd [most likely] still be the luckiest captain out of his kinsmen. And Eiríkr granted him this [request] and he rides from home when they're ready for that, and it wasn't far then to go to the ship. The horse that Eiríkr was riding stumbles, and he fell from [its] back and his foot was/is injured.

vosi = vás, n. "toil, hardship from bad weather".

minna "less".

stýra, wv. 1. "to steet, govern".

hniginn (í aldur) "advanced in years", lit. "sunk into age", "declined into age"; past participle of hníga, sv. I. "to sink gently, decline".

> Þá mælti Eiríkur "Ekki mun mér ætlað að finna lönd fleiri en þetta er nú
> byggjum vér. Munum vér nú ekki lengur fara allir samt."

Then said Eiríkr: "It must not be meant [i.e. fated] for me to discover more lands than this [one] which we now inhabit. We will not go on further together now.
> Fór Eiríkur heim í Brattahlíð en Leifur réðst til skips og félagar hans með
> honum, hálfur fjóði tugur manna. Þar var suðurmaður einn í ferð er Tyrkir
> hét.

Eiríkr went home to Brattahlíð, but Leifr and his comrades went to the ship, 35 men. There was was southerner [a German/Saxon] there on the voyage who was called Tyrkir.

> Nú bjuggu þeir skip sitt og sigldu í haf þá er þeir voru búnir og fundu þá
> það land fyrst er þeir Bjarni fundu síðast. Þar sigla þeir að landi og
> köstuðu akkerum og skutu báti og fóru á land og sáu þar eigi gras. Jöklar
> miklir voru allt hið efra en sem ein hella væri allt til jöklanna frá sjónum
> og sýndist þeim það land vera gæðalaust.

Now they readied their ship and sailed to sea when they were ready and found then first the land which Bjarni had found last. They sail to the land [the coast] there and cast anchor and launched the boat and went ashore and saw there no grass. There were great glaciers all over the higher ground [inland it was all great glaciers], and it was like a slab of rock all the way from the sea to the glaciers, and that land seemed barren to them.

efra is the neuter form of of efri = øfri
,  "higher" (that o has a diagonal line through it, although it might not show up very well in this font...)

> Þá mælti Leifur: "Eigi er oss nú það orðið um þetta land sem Bjarna að vér
> höfum eigi komið á landið. Nú mun eg gefa nafn landinu og kalla Helluland."

Then Leifr said: "It has not befallen us with [regard to] this land that we haven't come ashore, as [it befell] Bjarni. Now I will give the land a name and call [it] Helluland [Slabland]."

e-m verða, sv. III. "it befalls one, one happens to"

> Síðan fóru þeir til skips. Eftir þetta sigla þeir í haf og fundu land annað,
> sigla enn að landi og kasta akkerum, skjóta síðan báti og ganga á landið.
> Það land var slétt og skógi vaxið og sandar hvítir víða þar sem þeir fóru og
> ósæbratt.

Then they went to their ship. After this, they sail out to sea and found another land, sail towards the land again and cast anchor, launch the boat then, and go ashore. That land was flat and overgrown with forest, and [there were] white sands widely/extensively [to be seen] where they went, sloping gently to the sea.

> Þá mælti Leifur: "Af kostum skal þessu landi nafn gefa og kalla Markland."

Then Leifr said: "This land will get a name from its resources [its advantages, its (good) qualities], and called Markland [Forestland]."

> Fóru síðan ofan aftur til skips sem fljótast.

They went back down to their ship then as quickly as they could.

> Nú sigla þeir þaðan í haf landnyrðingsveður og voru úti tvö dægur áður þeir
> sáu land og sigldu að landi og komu að ey einni er lá norður af landinu og
> gengu þar upp og sáust um í góðu veðri og fundu það að dögg var á grasinu og
> varð þeim það fyrir að þeir tóku höndum sínum í döggina og brugðu í munn sér
> og þóttust ekki jafnsætt kennt hafa sem það var.

Now they sail out to sea from there on a northeasterly [wind] and were out [at sea] for two days before they saw land, and [they] sailed towards the land, and came to an island which lay to the north of the land, and went ashore there and looked around in good weather and found that there was dew on the grass and they happened to take hold of the dew in their hands and lifted/scooped it [quickly] into their mouths and they didn't think they'd ever tasted anything as sweet as that was.