I saw that sviknir (pp of svíkja) probably agreed with menn, but couldn't
figure it out. Thanks, Alan.
Also didn't notice that vetra was plural.
> En þessi heiðni var af tekin öll á fárra vetra fresti að eigi skyldi
þetta heldur gera leynilega en opinberlega.
> But all this heathenism was taken off (abolished) after a delay of
(ie within) a few winters (so) that (one) should not on the contrary
do this secretly than openly.
"[...] so that it should not be performed in secret any more than it
should be openly"
i.e. it should be just as illegal to do in private as in public.
> allir menn kristnir gervir (tense? pp?) hér á landi.
> all men (were) made Christian here in (the) country.
Masculine nominative plural of 'gerr', 'görr', 'gjörr', originally an
adjective, but used as the past participle of the verb 'gera' "to
make, do", thus: "and all men in the land made Christian".
Thanks, LN!
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa