105. kafli
Þorgeir hét maður. Hann var Tjörvason Þorkelssonar langs. Móðir hans hét
Þórunn og var Þorsteinsdóttir, Sigmundarsonar, Gnúpa-Bárðarsonar.
A Man was named Thorgeir. He was the son of Tjorvi (who was) son of Thorkel the long. His Mother was Thorun and (she) was daughter of  Thorstein Sigmundsson, Gnupa-Bard's Son
hét kona hans. Hún var dóttir Þorkels hins svarta úr Hleiðrargarði.
Guðrið was the name of his wife. She was (the) daughter of Thorkel the black out at Hleiðargard.
Hans bróðir var Ormur töskubak, faðir Hlenna hins gamla úr Saurbæ.
His brother was Orm Sack Back (thank you Alan I find it better than box-back) father of Hlenni the Old out at Saurbæ.
Þeir Þorkell
voru synir Þóris snepils, Ketilssonar brimils, Örnólfssonar, Björnólfssonar,
Grímssonar loðinkinna, Ketilssonar hængs, Hallbjarnarsonar hálftrölls úr
They Thorkel (and brother Orm)  were sons of Thori Ear-Lobe (thanks Alan) the son of Ketil Seal, son of  Ornolf son of  Bjornolf son of Grim Hairy Cheek, son of Ketil Trout/Salmon son of Hallbjorn Half-Troll from Hrafnista
(the seond Ketil was a Salmon Fisher - or Trout - I am not good with Fish) 
Þorgeir bjó að Ljósavatni og var höfðingi mikill og manna
Thorgeir lived at Ljosavatn and was a great chieftain and the most wise of men
Kristnir menn tjölduðu búðir sínar og voru þeir Gissur og Hjalti í
The Christians pitched their booths/tents and Gizur and Hjalti were
in the booth of the  Mosfell folk
Um daginn eftir gengu hvorirtveggju til Lögbergs og nefndu hvorir votta,
kristnir menn og heiðnir, og sögðust hvorir úr lögum annarra og varð þá svo
mikið óhljóð að Lögbergi að engi nam annars mál.
On the next day, they went , both sides/groups to the Law Rock and named witnesses and - Christians and Heathens - and declared for themselves  neither would be bound  to the others law .
And it was there such a great noise (lacking quiet) at the Law Rock that  no one could hear what another said (couldn't hardly hear yourself think)
 Síðan gengu menn í braut og þótti öllum horfa til hinna mestu óefna.
After that they all went away and it seemed to everyone to turn  most - unpleasant (situation - state of affairs)
Kristnir menn tóku sér til lögsögumanns Hall af Síðu. En Hallur fór að finna
Þorgeir goða lögsögumann frá Ljósavatni og gaf honum til þrjár merkur
silfurs að hann segði upp lögin. En það var þó ábyrgðarráð er hann var
The Christians  took Hall of Siða as their Law Speaker. But  Hall went to see Thorgeir Goði the Lawspeaker from Ljosavatn and gave to him three marks of  of silver for him to announce the Law
En það var þó ábyrgðarráð er hann var heiðinn.
But that was a step involving rich (CV) because he (Thorgeir) was a heathen
Þorgeir lá dag allan og breiddi feld á höfuð sér svo að engi maður mælti við
Thorgeir lay all day with a cloak spread over his head  so no man might speak with him
En annan dag gengu menn til Lögbergs.
And the next day people  went to the Law Rock.
Þá beiddi Þorgeir sér hljóðs og mælti:
There Thorgeir asked for silence and spoke :-
 "Svo líst mér sem málum vorum sé
komið í ónýtt efni ef vér skulum eiga hafa ein lög allir.
"It seems to me that our laws will come to nothing if we have not (all of us) all the one Law (for all)
En ef sundur skipt
er lögunum þá mun sundur skipt friðinum og mun eigi mega við það búa.
for if the Law is split asunder so will peace be split asunder and we may not live with it (or not live like that)
 Nú vil
eg þess spyrja heiðna menn og kristna hvort þeir vilja hafa lög þau er eg
segi upp."
Now I will ask the Heathens and the Christians if they will have the laws that I speak/set up"
Því játuðu allir. Hann kvaðst vilja hafa svardaga af þeim og festu að halda.
Þeir játuðu því allir og tók hann af þeim festu.
They all said Yes to this (Z). He declared he would have oaths from them and pledges to hold (to hold to the promise)
They all agreed to this and he took pledges from them.
This seemed really heavy going  hope for any advice or critique
which would help