Og enn kvað hún aðra vísu:
And she spoke another verse
Þór brá Þvinnils dýri
Thor drove Thvinnil's creature
Þangbrands úr stað löngu,
Thangbrand's (dat) far out of place
hristi búss og beysti
(he) shook (the thing) and broke / shattered
barðs og laust við jörðu.
the prow(Z3) and struck with/upon the Earth/shore
Muna skíð um sjá síðan
May the ski around not to see afterwards (not to be seen again)
sundfært Atals grundar,
(sundfært) of Atal's field
hregg því að hart tók leggja,
The storm which so hard took place
hánum kennt, í spánu.
from him (Thor) it came in splinters (the ship that was)
[hánum = honum hánum is an earlier form (CV)]
Eftir það skildu þau Þangbrandur og Steinunn og fóru þeir vestur til
After that they parted Thangbrand and Steinunn, and they (Thangbrand & Co) went west to Bardastrand
103. kafli
Gestur Oddleifsson bjó í Haga á Barðaströnd. Hann var manna vitrastur svo að hann sá fyrir örlög manna.
Gest Oddleifsson lived at Barðastrand. He was a man so wise that he could tell a man's fate.
Hann gerði veislu í móti þeim Þangbrandi. Þeir
fóru í Haga við sex tigu manna.
He made a feast to meet them the Thangbrands. (T and his men)
They went to Hagi in a band of sixty (together)
Þá var sagt að þar væru fyrir tvö hundruð
heiðinna manna og þangað væri von berserks þess er Ótryggur hét og voru
allir við hann hræddir.
That was said there were two hundred heathens before/already there and a berserk named Otrygg would be (there) and everyone dreaded him (scared to bits)
Frá honum var sagt svo mikið að hann hræddist hvorki
eld né egg og voru heiðnir menn hræddir mjög.
About him it was said/told so much that he dreaded neither fire nor edge (of Weapon) and the Heathen folk feared him greatly.
Þá spurði Þangbrandur ef menn
vildu taka við trú en allir heiðnir menn mæltu í móti.
Then asked Thangbrand if folk would take to the faith and all the Heathens spoke against it (in opposition - better?)
"Kosti mun eg yður gera," segir Þangbrandur, að vér skulum reyna hvor betri
er trúan.
"A Chance I will give you" says Thangbrand "that we shall prove which (is)
the better faith"
Vér skulum gera elda þrjá. Skuluð þér heiðnir menn vígja einn en
eg annan en hinn þriðji skal óvígður vera.
"We shall build three fires. You the heathens shall hallow/bless one and I another and a third to be unhallowed.
En ef berserkurinn hræðist þann
einn eldinn er eg vígi en veður hina báða þá skuluð þér taka við trú."
And if the Berserker dreads the one I blessed and walks
through both the others then you shall (must?) take with the Faith (accept)
"Þetta er vel mælt," segir Gestur, "og mun eg þessu játa fyrir mig og
heimamenn mína."
"That is well said" says Gest "and I consent (Z3) to this for myself and my household"
Og er Gestur hafði þetta mælt þá játuðu miklu fleiri.
And when Gest had said this then many more agreed
Þá var sagt að berserkurinn færi að bænum og voru þá gervir eldarnir og
Then it was said that the Berserk was near the buildings/houses
and the fires were made up and lit.
Tóku menn þá vopn sín og hljópu upp í bekkina og biðu svo.
Men took up their weapons and jumped/leapt upon the benches and thus waited.
Berserkurinn hleypur að með vopnum og inn í dyrnar
The Berserker leapt/charged in with his weapons through the door.
Hann kemur innar í
stofuna og veður þegar þann eldinn er hinir heiðnu menn höfðu vígðan og svo hinn óvígða.
He comes further further into the room and walks at once through the fire that had been hallowed by the Heathens and thus (also) through the unhallowed
Hann kemur að þeim eldinum er Þangbrandur hafði vígt og þorir
eigi að vaða og kvaðst brenna allur.
He comes to that fire that Thangbrand had blessed and he dared not go
and declared of himself to be all burning
Hann höggur sverðinu upp á bekkinn og
kom í þvertréð er hann reiddi hátt.
He hewed with his sword up (raised his sword?) at the benches but it came
(?stuck) in the crosstree (Z) when he lifted it up
Þangbrandur laust með róðukrossi á
höndina og varð jartegn svo mikil að sverðið féll úr hendi berserkinum.
Thangbrand struck him upon his arm with a crucifix, and a great miracle
occurred that the sword dropped from the Berserk's hands
Þá leggur Þangbrandur sverði fyrir brjóst honum en
Guðleifur hjó á höndina svo að af tók.
Then Thangbrand thrust a sword into his chest and Guðleif
cut at his arm and thus took it quite off
Gengu þá margir að og drápu berserkinn.
Then many came to kill the Berserk (finish him off anyway)
Eftir það spurði Þangbrandur ef menn vildu taka við trú.
Then asked Thangbrand if men would take with the Faith
Gestur kveðst það eitt um hafa mælt
er hann ætlaði að halda. Skírði Þangbrandur þá Gest og öll hjú hans og marga menn aðra.
Gest declared for himself that he had promised so he would hold to it.
Thangbrand baptised Gest and all his household and many others
This seemed so quickly done - I seemed to be able - (at last) - to read the text as it were a story without much recourse to my dictionaries - what I made of it - I checked spelling but otherwise did not alter
Any advice welcome - some difficulty with tenses