CV in the entry for 'ofan':

"hann hjó frá ofan höndina, separated, cut off the hand"

--- In, "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote:

> > Þangbrandur skaut spjóti í gegnum Þorvald en Guðleifur hjó á öxlina
> og frá ofan höndina og var það hans bani.
> > Þangbrand shot with a spear through Þorvald but Guðleif hewed onto
> the shoulder and below the arm and that was his death.
> Or more simply: "Þangbrandr threw a spear through Þorvaldr, and
> Gudleifr hewed through his shoulder and down [through] his arm [...]"
> MM & HP: "G. hacked his arm off at the shoulder"