Úlfur Uggason kvað aðra vísu í móti:
Ulf Uggason spoke this verse in return
Tekka eg, sunds þótt sendi
sannreynir boð, tanna
hvarfs við hleypiskarfi,
Hárbarðs véa fjarðar.
Erat ráfáka rækis,
röng eru mál á gangi,
sé eg við mínu meini,
mínlegt flugu að gína.
In this last bit I recognized the Flugu - as Fly - similar to the German word
In CV they give gína as an animal's mouth so I freely paraphrase it as
"I'll not get his fly in me gob"
"Og ætla eg ekki," sagði Úlfur, "að vera ginningarfífl hans. En gæti hann að
honum vefjist eigi tungan um höfuð."
"And I do not intend" said Ulf " to be his errand-boy. But  let him beware lest his tongue winds itself around his head" (CV)
Og eftir það fór sendimaður aftur til Þorvalds hins veila og sagði honum orð
Úlfs. Þorvaldur hafði margt manna um sig og hafði það við orð að sitja fyrir
þeim á Bláskógaheiði.
And after that the messenger returned to Thorvald the Sick and told him Ulf's message.
Thorvald had many men with him and had words with them to ambush
them (Thangbrand & Co)  at BlackforestHeath.
Þeir Þangbrandur og Guðleifur riðu úr Haukadal. Þeir mættu manni einum er
reið í mót þeim.
(those two) They Thangbrand and Guðlief rode out of Haukdale. They met one (particular) man who rode towards them
Sjá spurði að Guðleifi og er hann fann hann mælti hann: "Njóta skalt þú
Þorgils bróður þíns á Reykjahólum að eg vil gera þér njósn að þeir hafa
margar fyrirsátir og það með að Þorvaldur hinn veili er með flokk sinn við
Hestlæk í Grímsnesi."
He (this one) asked for Guðleif and when he met him spoke to him "You shall have the benefit (due) from your brother Thorhil at Reykjaholar,
that I wish to give news (warning?) that they have many ambushes and that (ambush) with Thorvald the Sick with his troop is at Hest Brook in Grimsness
"Ekki skulum vér ríða að síður," segir Guðleifur, "til fundar við hann."
"We shall not ride - to him ?" says Guðleif " to a meeting with him"
Og sneru þeir síðan ofan til Hestlækjar. Þorvaldur var þá kominn yfir
And they turned at once down to Hestbrook.
Thorvald had (by then) crossed over the brook.
Guðleifur mælti til Þangbrands: "Hér er nú Þorvaldur og hlaupum nú að
Guðleif spoke to Thangbrand "Now here is Thorvald and let us get him now"
[lit. leap upon him]
Þangbrandur skaut spjóti í gegnum Þorvald en Guðleifur hjó á öxlina og frá
ofan höndina og var það hans bani.
Thangbrand shot a spear through Thorvald and Guðleif cut at his shoulder and down (to the ground) went his arm and is was his bane. (death)
I hope to try another method of sending, in the hope that it may yet be well received
Considering in Grace's Translation Thorvald is called "the diseased" upon reflection I believe Grace has the right of it - he must have been suffering from something pretty Virulent for it to be so much remarked upon - what about Thorvald the Contagious Grace ? - I hope to see what Alan has to call him
Regarding Reykjaholar - there was the Reykjaholarbok and I have a New (?) update on it - the Good Work of Marianne Kalinke ISBN 0-8020-7814-1
the last digit coulr be a capital I or the figure 1  it is in villainously small print.
Those interested may be pleased to know that it is AFAIK still available most likely via Amazon
And so I shall try again - I need you to excuse typos - frankly I am going cross -eyed