--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote:
> Siðreynir lét síðan
> snjallr morðhamar gjalla
> hauðrs í hattar steðja
> hjaldrs Vetrliða skaldi.
> "The bold custom-tester/rowan of battle (i.e. the tester/rowan of the
> custom/practice of battle = warrior) made [his] murder-hammer (i.e.
> his sword) resound, set [it] in the land of the hood (i.e. head) of
> the poet Vetrliði."
I just realised: 'steðja' isn't the verb meaning "to place", but the
masculine noun 'steði' "anvil", making a three-part kenning:
'steði hauðrs hattar'
"anvil of land of hood"
'hauðr hattar' "land of hood" would itself be an adequate kenning for
head, but the anvil idea goes nicely with 'morðhamar'. Interpreting
'steðja' as a verb doesn't work because 'hauðrs' "of land" is
genitive, so there needs some further noun to complete the kenning.
Sorry about that!
Siðreynir lét síðan
snjallr morðhamar gjalla
hauðrs í hattar steðja
hjaldrs Vetrliða skaldi.
The bold rowan/tester of the practice of battle (i.e. warrior) then
made his murder-hammer resound on the poet Vetrliði's anvil of the
land of the hood (i.e. head).