Það mæltu margir menn svo að Njáll heyrði að slíkt væru mikil firn að hafna
fornum sið og átrúnaði.
That was said by many men. and Njal heard them that such a great abomination (Z) to reject/deny the old faith and - be faithless/untrue
Njáll sagði þá: "Svo líst mér sem hinn nýi átrúnaður muni vera miklu betri
og sá muni sæll er þann fær heldur. Og ef þeir menn koma út hingað er þann sið bjóða þá skal eg það vel flytja."
Njal said then "Thus it seems to me the new faith would be much better and he who accepts it will be well/happy.
And if their men come hither and preach their faith then I shall plead for it (Z2)
Hann mælti það oft. Hann fór oft frá öðrum mönnum einn saman og þuldi.
He said that often (on many occasions) He often went away from other men, quite alone and talked to himself (þulr - CV)
Þetta hið sama haust kom skip út austur í Fjörðum í Berufirði þar sem heitir
That same Autumn a ship came into the EastFjords into Berufjorð and landed at Gautavik
Hét Þangbrandur stýrimaður. Hann var son Vilbaldús greifa úr
Saxlandi. Þangbrandur var sendur út hingað af Ólafi konungi Tryggvasyni að
bjóða trú rétta. .
The Captain was named Þangbrand he was the son of Count Vilbald of Saxony (greifa - like the German - Graf).
Þangbrand was sent hither by King Olaf Tryggvason, for to preach the true faith
Með honum fór sá maður íslenskur er Guðleifur hét. Hann var
son Ara Mássonar, Atlasonar, Úlfssonar hins skjálga, Högnasonar hins hvíta,
Ótryggssonar, Óblauðssonar, Hjörleifssonar hins kvensama Hörðalandskonungs
With him was a man of Iceland named Guðleif, he was the son of Ari Marsson the son of Atli, the son of Ulf Squint,(Z) Son of Hogni the White, son of Otrygg, son of Oblaud son of Hjörleif the Amorous (Z) the King of Hörðaland
Guðleifur var vígamaður mikill og manna hraustastur og harðger í öllu.
Guðleif was a great warrior and a man most valiant and stern to all
[well a tad hard-faced]
Bræður tveir bjuggu á Berunesi. Hét annar Þorleifur en annar Ketill. Þeir
voru Hólmsteinssynir Össurarsonar hins breiðdælska. Two brothers lived at Beru Ness one named Thorleif and the other Ketil.
They were sons of Holmstein Ozur's son of BreidDale (Broad Dale)
Þeir lögðu til fund og bönnuðu mönnum að eiga kaup við þessa menn.
They called together a meeting and forbade men to trade with these men (ie,The Newcomers)
Þetta spurði Hallur af Síðu. Hann bjó að Þvottá í Álftafirði. Hann reið til
skips við þrjá tigu manna.
This was learned (of) by Hall of Siða. He lived at Þjotta in Alftafjorð.
He rode to the ship with thirty men
Hann fer þegar á fund Þangbrands og mælti til hans: "Hvort ganga ekki mjög
He went at once to a meeting with Thangbrand and said to him "Not great trading is there?"
Hann sagði að svo var.
He replied that it was true.
"Nú vil eg segja þér mitt erindi," segir Hallur, "að eg vil bjóða yður öllum
heim til mín og hætta á hvort eg geti kaup fyrir yður."
"Now I will tell to you my errand" (purpose of my visit) says Hall "that I will invite all of you to my home and try/venture how I can get trade (a market) for you
Þangbrandur þakkaði honum og fór til Þvottár.
Þangbrand thanked him and went to Þvotta.
Um haustið var það að Þangbrandur var úti einn morgun snemma og lét skjóta sér tjaldi
Then in the autumn is was (it happened) that Þangbrand was out early one morning and had a tent set up
og söng messu í tjaldinu og hafði mikið við því að hátíð var
and sang Mass in the tent and had much with greatness (ceremony ?)
because it was a great feast day
Hallur mælti til Þangbrands: "Í hverja minning heldur þú þennan dag?"
Hall spoke to Þangbrand "In whose memory/honour do you hold the day?"
"Mikael engill á daginn," segir hann.
"Michael the Angel today" says he
"Hver rök fylgja engli þeim?" segir Hallur
"What marvels (Z") follow this Angel" says Hall (like - what does he do")
[Michaelmas day is Sept 29th and also the last day of Harvest - the first day of Harvest being the 1st August -but it had been celebrated on October 10/11 in ancient time - maybe it was warmer then]
I did not sense too much difficulty here - (hope!!)
any advice welcome