> "Svo er sem mig varði að hann mundi ekki dauður með öllu og mun
Njáll græða stærri sár."
> "So (it) is as to me ?? that he would not (be) dead with all and
Njall will ?? ?? wounds."
"It is as I suspected, (namely) that he must not be entirely dead.
Njall will heal bigger wounds." (MM & HP explain the last bit: "Nj.
can heal worse wounds than these.")
'varði' is past 3rd person sg. indicative of the impersonal verb
'vara' "one has a foreboding, inkling, presentiment, suspicion,
expectation". The person who has the inkling is in the accusative.
'með öllu' "altogether, entitirely"
'groeða' "to heal" (late medieval and modern spelling 'græða').
'stoerri' (now spelt 'stærri') is the comparative of 'stórr' "big"
(Modern Icelandic: stór).
> og láta hann sitja upp við vegginn.
> and had him, the slain one, sit up there.
"and (they) sit him up against the wall" (veggr, m. gen.sg. -jar, -s;
nom.pl. -ir).
> Hún spurði hvort Njáll vekti.
> She asked whether Njall waked?
Yes, or in more colloquial English: "whether he was awake." (vekti =
the past subjunctive of 'vaka' "to be awake").
vaka (vaki; vakta; vakat) - (1) to be awake; (2) = 'vakna' to wake up
vakna (að) - to awake, to wake up (intransitive).
vekja (vek; vakta; vakiðr, vaktr, vakinn) - to awaken (transitive), to
rouse someone from sleep.
> Statt þú upp úr binginum frá elju minni
> Get up out of the bed from my rival?
MM & HP have "rival", but maybe we could translate it more
specifically as "your other woman".