Now I get it!
You make it seem so simple - - sigh.
> Hún mælti: "Of fjarri voruð þér úti að sjá er oflátinn reið um garð."
> She spoke, " You ??????? outside to see what show-off rode across the
'of' "too"
'fjarri' "far (away)"
"You (pl.) were too far away to see outside when the show-off [that I
just saw] rode across the yard."
> og þrífst þú aldrei fyrir heimboð
> and ?? you never for home visit
Lit. "May you never thrive for your invitation." MM & HP paraphrase:
"A curse on all your feasts." 'þrífst þú' is the singular imperative
of 'þrífast' "to thrive".
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa