94. kafli
Einu hverju sinni ríður Njáll upp í Mörk og var tekið við honum vel og var hann þar um nóttina.
It was at a certain time that Njal rides up to Mork and he was well taken (well received) and was there for the night.
Um kveldið gekk sveinninn að honum og kallaði Njáll á
hann. Gekk hann þegar til hans.
In the evening the young lad went to him and Njal called to him. He went to him at once.
Njáll hafði fingurgull á hendi og sýndi
sveininum. Sveinninn tók við gullinu og hugði að og dró á fingur sér.
Njal had a gold ring (finger-gold) on (his) hand and showed (it)
to the boy, The boy took the gold ring - looked (at it) and drew it onto his finger
Njáll mælti: "Vilt þú þiggja gullið að gjöf?"
Njal spoke "Will you accept (this) gold as a gift"
"Þiggja vil eg víst," segir sveinninn.
"Accept I will indeed" says the boy
"Veist þú," segir Njáll, "hvað föður þínum varð að bana?"
"Do you know (sing.Knowest thou) says Njal "what caused (past)
your father to his death"
Sveinninn svarar: "Veit eg að Skarphéðinn vó hann og þurfum við ekki á það
að minnast er sæst hefir á verið og fullar bætur hafa fyrir komið."
The lad replies "I know that he was klilled by Skarpheðin but we
need not think on it since (it) has been settled and full settlement has come for (it)
"Betur er svarað," segir Njáll, "en eg spurði og munt þú verða góður maður."
"Better it is answered" says Njal than I asked, and you will become
a good (honourable) man. (better reply than I deserve ?)
"Góðar þykja mér spásögur þínar," segir Höskuldur, "því að eg veit að þú ert forspár og ólyginn."
"Good seem to me your prophecies" says Hoskuld "of this I know
that you are a seer and no liar"
Njáll mælti: "Nú vil eg bjóða þér fóstur ef þú vilt þiggja."
Njal spoke "Now I wish to offer to you fostering (Z) if you will accept"
Höskuldur kvaðst þiggja vilja bæði þann góða og annan þann sem hann gerði honum.
Hoskuld declared for himself that he wished to accept that good
(benefit/deed) and any other(s) made/offered to him
Urðu þær málalyktir að Höskuldur fór heim með Njáli til fósturs. Hann
lét sveininum ekki í mein og unni mikið. Synir Njáls leiddu hann eftir sér og gerðu honum allt til sóma.
These conclusions were that Hoskuld went home with Njal for fostering. He (Njal) allowed the boy no harm (protected him)
and loved him much. Njal's Sons led (past) him around with themselves and showed him every honour.
Nú líður þar til er Höskuldur er frumvaxti. Hann var bæði mikill og sterkur, manna fríðastur sýnum og hærður vel, manna best vígur,
Now ( the time) draws to that Hoskuld is full-grown. He was both
big and strong, the handsomest of men and (had) a fine head of
hair and of men the best able to fight (Z2)
blíður í máli, örlátur, stilltur vel, orðgóður til allra manna og vinsæll.
gentle/mild of speech, open handed, (CV) calm,
well spoken to all men and popular.
Njálssonu og Höskuld skildu hvorki á orð né verk.
Nal's sons and Hoskuld were never apart in word or deed.
(thanks Alan - they sang from the same hymn sheet)
95. kafli
[oh dear - more who begats - I have to go carefully here]
Maður er nefndur Flosi. Hann var sonur Þórðar Freysgoða, Össurarsonar,
Ásbjarnarsonar, Heyjangurs-Bjarnarsonar, Helgasonar, Bjarnarsonar bunu.
A man was named Flosi, he was the son of Thorð Frey's Priest
son of Ossur, son of Asbjorn, son of Heyjang Bjorn, Helgi's son
(the) son of Bjorn Buna
Móðir Flosa var Ingunn dóttir Þóris af Espihóli, Hámundarsonar heljarskinns, Hjörssonar,
Mother of Flosi was Ingunn daughter of Thori of Espi Hill, son of
Hamund dark-skin, son of Hjor -
Hálfssonar konungs er réð fyrir Hálfsrekkum, Hjörleifssonar hins
(who was) son of Half - (the) King who ruled Half's Warriors
son of horleif the amorous (well they had neither TV nor radio)
Móðir Þóris var Ingunn dóttir Helga hins magra er nam Eyjafjörð.
Flosi átti Steinvöru dóttur Halls af Síðu.
Mother of Thori was Igunn daughter of Helgi the Thin
(he it was) who took Eyjafjord.
Flosi was married to Steinvor the daughter of Hall of Siða
Hún var laungetin og hét Salvör móðir hennar,
dóttir Herjólfs hins hvíta.
She was secretly begotten (illegitimate) and her mother was
named Salvor daughter of Herjolf the white.
[ whew - after all that I begin to understand the reasons for all the "who-begats" the names may be the same but they have to be
recorded accurately to avoid offence of those "well-begotten"
whose names may be similar]- I spent time checking the translatioof the "who-begats" I am not at ease with them
Any advice/critique welcome