Njal's Saga 88 - end and begin 89

From: Patricia
Message: 8962
Date: 2008-02-14

"Hvar?" sagði Sveinn son hans.
"Where" said Sveinn his son
"Í seglinu," segir jarl, "er var heflað upp við rána."
"In the sail" says the Earl "He was hidden (tied up) against the sail-yard"
Þá rann á byr og sigldi Þráinn út úr firðinum til hafs. Hann mælti þá þetta
er lengi hefir uppi verið haft síðan:
Then there sprang up a breeze and Thrain sailed oput via the fjorð/firth and into the (open) sea. He spoke then this verse which has since then been repeated
Látum geisa Gamminn,
gerrat Þráinn vægja.
Let the Vulture fly/free
Thrain does not yield
En er jarl spurði orð Þráins þá mælti hann: "Eigi ber hér til óviska mín
heldur það samband þeirra er þeim dregur báðum til bana."
But the Earl learned of Thrain's words he said "This was not because of my
lack of insight but to their friendship/conspiracy and that will drag them both to their death
Þráinn var skamma stund í hafi og kom til Íslands og fór heim til bús síns.
Hrappur fór
Thrain  had a short trip and he came to Iceland and went home to his
farmsteads - Hrapp went..
með Þráni og var með honum þau misseri en um vorið eftir fékk Þráinn honum
bú á Hrappstöðum og bjó Hrappur þar.
with Thrain and was with him  a year and in the following Summer Thrain gave him a farm Hrappstead and Hrapp lived there
Hann var þó lengstum að Grjótá og þótti þar
öllu spilla.
He was mostly at Grjota and all thought it harmful
Það mæltu sumir menn að vingott væri með þeim Hallgerði og hann
fífldi hana en sumir mæltu því í móti.
Some said/were saying they were good friends (CV) he and Hallgerð and he
had seduced her - and others were against this
Þráinn fékk skipið Merði órækju frænda sínum. Sá Mörður vó Odd Halldórsson
austur í Gautavík í Berufirði.
Thrain gave his ship to Morð the reckless. This (same) Morð killed Od Halldarsson out east  at Gautavik in Berufirth
Allir frændur Þráins héldu hann nú fyrir höfðingja.
All his kin now held Thrain to be a Chieftain
89. kafli
Nú er þar til máls að taka er Hákon jarl missti Þráins. Hann mælti þá við
Svein son sinn:
Now it is that the story takes to where Earl Hakon missed Thrain He spoke
with Svein his son
"Tökum langskip fjögur og förum að Njálssonum og drepum þá því að þeir munu
vitað hafa með Þráni."
"We take four longships and go after the Njalssons and kill them because they would have known(?would have plotted) with Thrain
"Það er eigi gott ráð," segir Sveinn, "að snúa sökum á óvalda menn en láta
þann undan setja er sökina ber á baki."
"That is not good advice (?plan) says Svein "to make attacks on blameless men and let him escape who carries the  crime/sin on his back
"Eg skal þessu ráða," segir jarl.
"I shall decide this" says the Earl  [oh dear - not again!!]
Halda þeir nú eftir Njálssonum og leita þeirra og finna þá undir eyjunni.
They held (a course) after the Njalssons and searched and found them under
(sheltering in the lee of) an island
Grímur sá fyrst skip jarlsins og mælti til Helga: "Herskip fara hér og kenni
eg að hér fer jarl og mun hann oss engan frið bjóða."
Grim saw the Earl's ship first and spoke to Helgi "Warships sail here and I know that the Earl will give us no peace
"Það er mælt," segir Helgi, "að hver sé vaskur er sig ver við hvern sem hann
á um. Skulum vér og verja oss."
"That is said" says Helgi that is a  brave (man) defends himself with what is to hand
Allir báðu hann fyrir sjá. Tóku þeir þá vopn sín.
They all asked for his orders (i.e. asked him to oversee or take charge)
then they took up their weapons
Jarl kemur nú að og kallaði á þá og bað þá upp gefast.
The Earl came near (alongside) and called out to them asking for a surrender
 Helgi svarar að þeir
mundu verjast meðan þeir mættu.
Helhi replies that they would defend while they were able
Jarl bauð öllum grið, þeim er eigi vildu
verja hann, en svo var Helgi vinsæll að allir vildu heldur deyja með honum.
The Earl offered a truce to all who did not fight him, but so popular was
Helgi  that all preferred to die with him
Jarl sækir nú að og hans menn en hinir verjast vel og voru þeir Njálssynir
þar jafnan sem mest var raunin.
The Earl attacks now and (also) his men but they defended themselves
well and the  Njalssons were always where most tried/needed
[right up there in the thick of it]
Jarl bauð þeim oft griðin. Þeir svöruðu
jafnan hinu sama og kváðust aldrei upp skyldu gefast.
The Earl offered them  a truce frequently They answered in the same way (as before) and declared of themselves that they would never give in
Þá sótti að þeim fast
Áslákur úr Langeyju, lendur maður jarls, og komst upp á skipið þremur
Then Aslak from Langey a landed man of the Earl's (one of the Gentry)
attacked them hard and came up onto their ship three times
I hope I have done better with this one - it's close on Midnight
Having taken on too much coffee I'm caffed out

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