Both Alan and Patricia have sorted these pasages out that I messed up.
"Eigi vildi (past subj) eg herra," segir Þráinn, "að þér vænduð mig lygi
(væna e-n e-u, Z3, cites this example) heldur vildi eg
'I would not want, Lord,' says Þráin, 'that you charged me of a
falsehood; rather I would-want
að þér leituðuð um skipið."
that you searched through (examined) the ship.
Hann mælti: "Undarlegt skaplyndi er það að láta óverða (úverðr, Z2 =
guiltless, cites this example) menn gjalda reiði sinnar."
He spoke: 'An extraordinary disposition is that, to permit guiltless men
to suffer on-account-of one's anger.'