Njal's Saga Ch 88 part five Patricia's translation

From: Patricia
Message: 8956
Date: 2008-02-12

The Earl is getting more and more enraged - and I am much concerned for they did not have cups of tea and a couple of Aspirin in those days
"Eigi vildi eg herra," segir Þráinn, "að þér vænduð mig lygi heldur vildi eg
að þér leituðuð um skipið."
I would not want it Lord" says Thrain "that you charged(CV3) me with a lie, rather that you searched the Ship"
Þá fór jarl upp á skipið og leitaði og fann eigi.
Then the Earl went up onto the ship and found nothing
Þráinn mælti: "Berið þér mig nú undan herra?"
Thrain spoke "Do you now bear with me Lord"
"Fjarri fer það," segir jarl, "en eigi veit eg hví vér finnum hann eigi. Eg
þykist sjá allt í gegnum þá er eg kem á land en þá sé eg ekki til er eg kem
"Far from it" says the Earl " and I do not know why (for what reason ) we find him not. Ithink for my self (I believe) to see through everything when I come ashore - but then when I come here - I see nothing"
Lætur hann þá róa til lands með sig. Hann var svo reiður að ekki mátti við
hann mæla. Sveinn son hans var þar með honum.
He has them row with him ashore. He was so angry none might speak with him
Sveinn his son was with him
Hann mælti: "Undarlegt skaplyndi er það að láta óverða menn gjalda reiði
He Spoke"A strange disposition/mindset that - to permit innocent folk to suffer  because of one's anger"
Jarl gekk þá enn einn frá öðrum mönnum. Síðan gekk hann þegar aftur til
þeirra og mælti. Róum vér enn út til þeirra."
The Earl walked then again away from the others and afterwards walked back at once - and said "We row again out to them"
Þeir gerðu svo.
They did so
"Hvar mun hann fólginn hafa verið?" segir Sveinn.
"Where will he have been hidden?" says Sveinn
Jarl svaraði: "Eigi mun það nú skipta því að hann mun nú í brautu vera
þaðan. Sekkar tveir lágu þar hjá búlkanum og mun Hrappur þar hafa komið í
staðinn þeirra í búlkann."
The Earl replied"That will not n ow matter because he will be gone from there .
Two sacks were by the cargo and Hrapp will have gone therr (replaced them)
in the cargo (complicated isn't it)
Þráinn tók til orða: "Fram hrinda þeir enn skipinu og munu enn ætla út
hingað til vor. Skulum vér nú taka hann úr búlkanum og koma öðru í staðinn
en þó skulu sekkarnir lausir."
Thrain took to words "They launch (again) the ship and mean to come here to us - we now take him out of the cargo and fetch something else in his place - but leave the sacks loose (where they are)
Þeir gerði svo. Þá mælti Þráinn: "Látum vér Hrapp nú í seglið, það er heflað
upp við rána."
They did just so. Then spoke Thrain "We put Hrapp now in the sail - that is furled against the Sailyard"
Þeir gera svo. Jarl kemur nú til þeirra.
They did so. Then the Earl is come to them
Var hann þá allreiður og mælti: Vilt þú nú selja fram manninn Þráinn? Og er
nú verra en fyrr."
He was then totally enraged (and badly in need of a cup of tea) and he spoke
"NOW do you want to give up the man Thrain since it is worse than before"
Þráinn svarar: "Fyrir löngu seldi eg hann fram ef hann væri í minni
varðveislu eða hvar mun hann verið hafa?"
Thrain answers "A long time ago I would have delivered him to you if I had
him in my keeping or where would he have been"
"Í búlkanum," segir jarl.
"In the Cargo" says the Earl
"Hví leituðuð þér hans eigi þar þá?" segir Þráinn.
"Why did you not then search there then (at the time) says Thrain
"Eigi kom oss það þá í hug," segir jarl.
"It entered not then into our mind (not at that time) " says the Earl
Síðan leituðu þeir hans um allt skipið og fundu hann eigi.
After that they searched over the whole ship and found him not"
Þá mælti Þráinn: "Viljið þér mig nú undan bera herra?"
Then Thrain Spoke "Do you want now to acquit me Lord"
"Víst eigi," segir jarl, "því að eg veit að þú hefir fólgið manninn þó að eg
finni hann eigi. En heldur vil eg að þú níðist á mér en eg á þér."
"Certainly not" says the Earl " because I know you have him hidden even though I do not find him. And - I hold you to act more basely (dishonourably) towards me than I do to you.
Fór jarl þá til lands.
"Nú þykist eg sjá," sagði jarl, "hvar Þráinn hefir fólgið Hrapp."
The Earl goes again to land (ashore)
"Now I believe I see" says the Earl "Where Thrain has hidden Hrapp"
[From behind the sail no doubt Hrapp is going "Neener" and sticking out his tongue but the Earl is nearly weeping with rage and throwing Teddy out the pram]
The situation is becoming Farcical - the Earl is badly P/O'd and heads will
roll - never mind whose head - Kari Solmundarsson should be here to pour a little oil on the troubled waters.
Better pleased with this but any advice welcome

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