I couldn't even figure out what part of speech these words were - - fengju
færi - - and continue to have troubles with hljóta.
"Alllítt lætur þú mig njóta mágsemdar," segir Hrappur, "en eigi hefir þú það
mannval að
"You allow me to benefit very little from in-law relations," says Hrapp, "
but you have not a selection of people that
þetta muni skjótlega gera."
will do these (deeds) quickly."
Þeir stóðu upp en hann hopaði út undan. Þeir hlaupa eftir en hann kemst á
skóg undan og
They stood up but he retreated outside. They ran after (him) but he escaped
into a forest and
höfðu þeir hans ekki. Guðbrandur safnar liði og lét kanna skóginn og finna
þeir hann eigi
they had him not. Gudbrand assembles a group and had (them) search the
forest and the didn't find him
því að skógurinn var mikill og þröngur.
because the forest was great and thick.
Hrappur fer um skóginn þar til er hann kom í rjóður nokkurt. Þar fann hann
húsabæ og
Hrapp went through the forest until when he came to a certain clearing.
There he found a farmhouse and
mann úti og klauf skíð. Hann spurði þenna mann að nafni og nefndist hann
Tófi. Tófi
a man outside splitting wood. He asked that man (as) to his name and he
called himself Tofi. Tofi
spurði að hans nafni og nefndist Hrappur sem hann hét. Hrappur spyr hví
bóndi byggi svo
asked (as) to his name and Hrapp told him what he was called. Hrapp asks
why (the) farmer settled so
fjarri öðrum mönnum.
far from other people.
"Því," sagði hann, "að eg þykist hér lítt þurfa að amast við aðra menn."
"Because," he said, "I seem there to need little to bother myself with other
"Við förum kynlega með okkur um málin," segir Hrappur, "og mun eg fyrri
segja þér
"We behave similarly with each other in (that) case," says Hrapp, "and I
will rather tell you
hver eg er. Eg hefi verið með Guðbrandi í Dölum og stökk eg þaðan fyrir það
er eg drap
who I am. I have been with Gudbrand in (the) Dales and I fled thence
because of it that I killed
verkstjóra hans. En eg veit að við erum báðir illmenni því að þú mundir ekki
hér kominn
his overseer. But I know that we are both evil men because you will not
(have) come here
frá öðrum mönnum nema þú værir nokkurs manns útlagi. Og geri eg þér tvo
kosti að eg
(away) from other people unless you were outlawed by some man. And I will
give you two choices that I
mun segja til þín eða við njótum báðir jafnt þess er hér er."
will tell about you (of your whereabouts) or we both benefit equally in this
which is here."
Bóndi mælti: "Þetta er jafnt sem þú segir. Eg nam konu þessa er hér er hjá
mér og hefir
(The) farmer spoke, "These (things) are even as you say. I took this woman
who is here beside me and
margur maður eftir mér leitað."
many men have searched for me.
Síðan leiddi hann Hrapp inn með sér. Þar voru hús lítil og vel ger. Bóndi
sagði húsfreyju
After that he lead Hrapp inside with him. There (the) house was (both)
little and well made. (The) farmer told his wife
sinni að hann hafði Hrapp ráðið með sér.
that he had made arrangements with Hrapp and himself.
"Flestir munu af manni þessum illt hljóta," segir hún, "en þó munt þú ráða
"Most evil will result? (I still am not "getting" how to translate hljóta)
from this man ,"
says she, "nevertheless you will want to decide."
Síðan var Hrappur þar. Hann var förull mjög og var aldrei heima. Hann fær
náð fundi
Afterwards Hrapp stayed there. He was rambling around much and never was at
home. He was always able? to go quietly (and) met
Guðrúnar jafnan. Þeir sátu um hann feðgar, Þrándur og Guðbrandur, og varð
það aldrei
Gudrun. They plotted against him, father and son, Þránd and Guðbrand and it
never happened
að þeir fengju færi á honum. Og fór svo fram öll þau misseri.
that they inflicted capture on him??? And so it went forward all those
Guðbrandur lét segja Hákoni jarli hver vandræði hann hafði af Hrappi. Jarl
lét dæma
Gudbrand had Earl Hakon told how difficult he had (it) with Hrapp. (The)
Earl had Hrapp deemed
Hrapp útlaga og lagði fé til höfuðs honum en hét þá að fara sjálfur að leita
eftir honum en
an outlaw and set a price on his head and promised then to go himself to
search for him but
það fórst þó fyrir og þótti jarli þeim sjálfrátt að taka hann er hann fór
svo óvarlega.
it proceeded still (as) before and (it) seemed to (the) earl for them to
take him of their own accord when he went about so imprudently.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa