Re: Njall 83 end + beginning 84 (að því sem)

From: llama_nom
Message: 8835
Date: 2007-12-21

--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:

> "Mörg eru til," segir hann, "að því sem vér höfum veðurföll haft, Eyjar
> eða
> 'Many (possibilities?) exist,' says he, `for that (reason) as (that) we
> have had conditions-of-(the)-wind, (Orkney) Islands or
> Skotland eða Írland."
> Scotland or Ireland

'að því sem' "in accordance with (the winds we've had), according to
what (winds we've had)", i.e. there are many lands they might have
come to, given the various ways the wind has been blowing.

1. Þau áttu tvö börn, son og dóttur, að því sem í upphafi kvæðisins segir
"They had two children, a son and a daughter, according to what it
says at the start of the poem"
(Völsa þáttr).

2. Nú kemur hér að því sem mælt er að engi lætur sér annars víti að
"Matters are going now in accord with what is said (in the proverb)
that no one takes another's punishment as a warning"
(Þorsteins þáttur stangarhöggs).

3. Hann var átján vetra þá er þetta var tíðinda en þó var athæfi
Þorsteins og allur færleikur með hinu betra meðallagi að því sem þá
voru ungir menn.
"Thorstein was 18 years old when these events took place, but his
behaviour and all of his abilities were a good average given what
young men there were then."
(Vatnsdæla saga).

4. Ok kemr þar at því, sem mælt er, at eigi leyna augu, ef ann kona manni.
"And it was with her, as it's said (proverbially), that the eyes don't
hide it if a woman loves a man."
(Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu).

5. en hitt veit ek, at mér var aldr skapaðr, at ek skylda lifa tvá
mannsaldra, ok þykki mér ván, at þeir sé brátt endaðir, at því sem
flestra manna aldrar gerast.
"but this I know: that my live was shaped (by fate) in such a way that
I should live twice the normal span, and it seems to me likely that my
life will end quickly, compared to most men's lives."
(Tóka Þáttur Tókasonar).

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