Njall 83 end + 84 beginning - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 8830
Date: 2007-12-20

Shall we pause until after the New Year and resume the translating on the
3rd? If so, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all!!!


"Mörg eru til," segir hann, "að því sem vér höfum veðurföll haft, Eyjar eða
Skotland eða Írland."

"Many are to (be considered likely)," says he, "in it as we have had weather
conditions, Orkneys or Scotland or Ireland."

Tveim nóttum síðar sáu þeir lönd á bæði borð en boða mikinn inn á fjörðinn.
Þeir köstuðu

Two nights later they saw land on both sides but a great surf in at the
inlet. They dropped

akkerum fyrir utan boðann. Þá tók að lægja veðrið en um morguninn var logn.
Sjá þeir þá fara þrettán skip út að sér.

anchor out before the surf. Then (the) wind abated and during the morning
was calm. They see then sailing out towards them thirteen ships.

Þá mælti Bárður: "Hvað skal nú til ráða taka því að menn þessir munu veita
oss aðsókn?"

Then Bard spoke, "What plan shall (we) now adopt because these men will
attack us?"

Síðan ræddu þeir um hvort þeir skyldu verja sig eða gefast upp en áður þeir
höfðu ráðið

Afterwards they discussed concerning whether they should defend themselves
or give up but before they had decided

komu að víkingar. Spurðu þá hvorir aðra að nöfnum, hvað fyrirmenn hétu. Þá

the Vikings came. (They) asked then each other as to names, what the chiefs
were called. Then (the) chiefs of the

fyrirmenn kaupmanna og spurðu í móti hverjir fyrir víkingum væru. Annar

merchants named themselves and asked in return who were chiefs of (the)
Vikings. One was named

Grjótgarður en annar Snækólfur, synir Moldans úr Dungalsbæ í Skotlandi,

Grjotgard and the other Snaekolf, sons of Moldan from Duncansby in Scotland,

Melkólfs Skotakonungs "og eru kostir tveir af oss gervir," segir
Grjótgarður, "að þér

of Malcolm (the) king of the Scots "and two choices are done from us," says
Grjotgard, "that you

gangið á land en vér munum taka fé yðvart. Hinn er annar að vér munum sækja
að yður

go on land and we will take your wealth. This is (the) other, that we will
attack you

og drepa hvern mann er vér náum."

and kill every man who we catch."

Helgi svarar: "Það vilja kaupmenn að verja sig."

Helgi answers, "Merchants wish it to defend themselves."

Þá mæltu kaupmenn: "Mæl þú alls vesall. Hverja vörn munum vér veita? Og er
fé fjörvi firra.

Then (the) merchants spoke, "You speak everything wretchedly. What defense
will we give? And wealth defends life."

Grímur tók það ráð að hann æpti á víkinga og lét þá eigi heyra illan kurr

Grim took that decision that he yelled at (the) Vikings and didn't let them
hear (the) bad grumbling of (the) merchants.

Bárður og Ólafur mæltu: "Hyggið þér eigi að Íslendingar muni gera spott að

Bard and Olaf spoke, "Do you not think that Icelanders will make fun of your

yðrum? Takið nú heldur vopn yður og verjum oss." Tóku þeir þá allir vopn sín
og festu

Rather take now your weapons and (let us) defend us." They all took their
weapons then and pledged

það með sér að þeir skyldu aldrei upp gefast meðan þeir mættu verja sig.

it with each other that they should never give themselves up as long as they
could defend themselves.

84. kafli

Víkingar skjóta nú á þá og tókst nú orusta og verja kaupmenn sig vel.
Snækólfur hleypur

(The) Vikings shoot now at them and now a battle took place and (the)
merchants defended themselves well. Snaekolf leaps

að Ólafi og leggur í gegnum hann með spjóti. Grímur leggur til Snækólfs
spjóti og svo

at Olaf and thrusts through him with a spear. Grim thrusts at Snaekolf with
a spear and so

fast að hann féll útbyrðis. Helgi sneri þá til móts við Grím og ráku þeir
ofan alla víkinga

hard that he fell overboard. Helgi turns them to meet with Grim and they
drive down all (the) Vikings

og jafnan voru þeir Njálssynir þar er mest þurfti. Víkingar kölluðu og báðu

and always they, Njall's sons, were there (where) is most needed. (The)
Vikings called and bade

upp gefast en þeir sögðu að þeir skyldu aldrei upp gefast.

the merchants give themselves up but they said that they should never give
themselves up.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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