Njall 82 end + 83 beginning - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 8821 Date: 2007-12-18
Þeir tóku þar fé mikið, héldu þá norður til Þrándheims og fara á fund jarls.
Tók hann vel
They acquired much wealth there, steered then north to Trondheim and go to a
meeting with (the) earl. He received
við Þráni. Hann sýndi jarli höfuð Kols. Jarl þakkaði honum verk það. Eiríkur
kvað meira
Thrainn well. He showed (the) earl Kol's head. (The) earl thanked him for
that deed. Eirik said (it was) worth more
vert en orða einna. Jarlinn svaraði að svo var og bað þá ganga með sér.
Gengu þeir
than only words. The earl answered that so (it) was and bade them go with
him. They went
þangað sem jarl hafði látið gera skip góð. Jarl hafði látið gera skip það
eitt er eigi var gert
from there as (the) earl had had a good ship built. (The) earl had had that
ship built which was not built
sem langskip. Þar var gammshöfuð á og búið mjög.
as a longship. There was a vulture's head on it and very (well)made.
Jarl mælti: "Þú ert skrautmenni mikið Þráinn og hefir þú það af Gunnari
frænda þínum. (The) earl spoke, "You are a very showy man, Þráinn, and you
have it from Gunnar, your kinsman.
Vil eg nú gefa þér skip þetta en skipið heitir Gammur. Þar skal fylgja með
vinátta mín.
I wish now to give you this ship, which ship is called Vulture. Then shall
follow my friendship.
Vil eg að þú sért með mér svo lengi sem þú vilt."
I wish that you stay with me as long as you wish."
Þráinn þakkaði jarli velgerning sinn og kveðst ekki fýsast til Íslands að
svo búnu.
Þráinn thanked (the) earl for his kindness and declared of himself not to be
eager to (go) to Iceland as matters stand.
Jarl átti ferð austur til landamæris að finna Svíakonung. Fór Þráinn með
honum um
(The) earl had a journey east to the borderland to meet (the) Swedish king.
Þráinn went with him
sumarið og var skipstjórnarmaður og stýrði Gamminum. Hann sigldi svo mikið
að fáir
during (the) summer and was ship's commander and steered the Vulture. He
sailed so briskly that few (could)
þurftu við hann. Hann var öfundaður mjög en það fannst á jafnan að jarl
virti mikils
keep up with him. He was much envied and it seemed always that (the) earl
valued Gunnar greatly
Gunnar því að hann setti þá harðlega aftur alla er á Þráin leituðu. Var
Þráinn með jarli
because he came down hard on all of them who attacked Þráinn. Þráinn was
with (the) earl
allan þann vetur. En um vorið spurði jarl Þráin hvort hann vildi þar vera
eða fara til
all that winter. And during the spring (the) earl asked Þráinn whether he
wished to stay there or go to
Íslands en hann kvaðst eigi það hafa ráðið við sig og sagðist vita vilja
áður tíðindi af
Iceland and he said of himself not to have considered it for himself and
said of himself to wish to know before (sailing) tidings from
Íslandi. Jarl sagði að svo skyldu vera sem honum þætti henta. Var Þráinn með
Iceland. (The) earl said that (it) should be so as he thought fit. Þráinn
stayed with (the) earl.
Þá spurðust tíðindi af Íslandi þau er mörgum þótti mikil, lát Gunnars frá
Hlíðarenda. Þá
Then tidings were learned from Iceland, those which many thought very
(serious), of (the) death of Gunnar of Hlidarend. Then
vildi jarl eigi að Þráinn færi út og var hann þá enn með jarli.
(the) earl didn't want that Þráinn sail abroad and he stayed then still with
(the) earl.
83. kafli
Nú er þar til máls að taka að þeir Grímur og Helgi synir Njáls fóru af
Íslandi það sumar
Now it must be told that they, Grim and Helgi, Njall's sons, went from
Iceland that (same) summer
sem þeir Þráinn fóru utan og voru á skipi með þeim Ólafi eldu Ketilssyni og
Bárði hinum
as they, Þráinn (and company) sailed out and were on a ship with them Olaf
Ketil's son from Elda and Bard the black.
svarta. Þeir tóku norðanveður svo hörð að þá bar suður í haf og rak yfir
myrkur svo mikið
They had wind from the north and so strong that they bore south on the sea
and were drifted over darkness so great
að þeir vissu eigi hvar þeir fóru og höfðu þeir útivist langa. Þá komu þeir
þar er
that they knew not where they sailed and they were out at sea a long time.
Then they came there where
grunnsævi var mikið og þóttust þeir vita að það mundi vera nær löndum. Þeir
(there) was much shallow water and they thought to know that it would be
near land. They, (the) Njall's sons,
spurðu ef Bárður vissi nokkuð til hverjum löndum þeir mundu næst vera.
asked if Bard knew anything about which land they would be nearest to.