It seemed a lot easier to grasp this time - no legalities and No Verse
82. kafli
Nú er þar til máls að taka að Þráinn Sigfússon kom til Noregs.
Now the Tale  takes to Thrain Sigfusson (who) came to Norway
Þeir komu
norður við Hálogaland og héldu suður til Þrándheims og svo inn til Hlaða.
They came North by Halogaland then held/steered south by Trondheim and so on into Lade
þegar er Hákon jarl spurði það sendi hann menn til þeirra og vildi vita hvað
manna væri á skipi þeirra er höfuðburður væri að.
So soon as Earl Hakon learned/heard of this he sent men to them and wanted to know twhat med were on the ship - what honour (Z) was theirs
 Þeir komu aftur og sögðu
honum hverjir voru. Jarlinn sendi þá eftir Þráni Sigfússyni og kom hann á
hans fund.
They came back and told him who they were. The Earl  then sent for Thrain Sigfusson and he came to meet him 
Jarl spurði hverrar ættar hann væri. Hann segir að hann væri
skyldur mjög Gunnari að Hlíðarenda.
(The) Earl  asked  from what kinship he came. He says he was close kin to Gunnar of Hliðarend
Jarl mælti: "Njóta skalt þú þess því að séð hefi eg marga íslenska menn og
engan hans maka."
(The) Earl spoke "You shall profit from this for I have seen many Icelanders  but none of his make/mark/match (all seem reasonable) {note}
Þráinn mælti: "Herra, viljið þér að eg sé með yður í vetur?"
Thrain  spoke "Lord do you wish me to stay with You (Royal Pl) this winter"
Jarl tók við honum. Var Þráinn þar um veturinn og virðist vel.
(the) Earl took to him (received him kindly) (it seems we still use this expression - as "we took to him at once") Thrain was there during the winter and was highly respected.
Kolur hét maður. Hann var víkingur mikill. Hann var son Ásmundar eskisíðu
austan úr Smálöndum.
(There was) A man named Kol. he was a great (?) Pirate he was a son of Asmund of Ash-Side in Smaland
Hann lá í Gautelfi austur og hafði fimm skip og lið
He lay to the East - at Gautelf and had five ships and a large band/troop (of followers)
Þaðan hélt Kolur úr Elfinni til Noregs og gekk upp á Foldinni og kom
á óvart Hallvarði sóta og fundu hann í lofti einu.
At once (?) Kol held out of the Elf into Norway and went on up to Fold and came upon Halvard Soti and found him in a particular loft
Hann varðist þaðan vel
þar til er þeir báru eld að. Þá gafst hann upp en þeir drápu hann og tóku
þar fé mikið og héldu þaðan til Ljóðhúsa.
He (Halvard) defended himself well then - until they set fire to it.
He gave himself up and they killed him and took much wealth and held on from there to Lodose (It looks like Light House - but they did not have things like that did they)
Þessi tíðindi spurði Hákon jarl og lét dæma Kol útlagan um allt ríki sitt og
lagði fé til höfuðs honum.
Earl Hakon learned of these tidings he had Kol proclaimed (G) an outlaw throughout his kingdom and put a price on his head.
Einu hverju sinni var það að jarl tók svo til orða: "Of fjarri er oss nú
Gunnar að Hlíðarenda. Hann mundi drepa útlaga minn ef hann væri hér en nú
munu Íslendingar drepa hann og er það illa er hann hefir eigi til vor
THere was one time the Earl. spoke "Gunnar is now far from us at Hliðarend,
He would kill my outlaw if he were here but the Icelanders will kill him. It was bad (a bad idea) that he did not sail (here) to Us (use of royal We/Us-Pl)
Þráinn Sigfússon svaraði: "Eigi er eg Gunnar en þó er eg skyldur Gunnari og
vil eg bjóðast til þessar ferðar."
Thrain Sigfusson replied "I am not Gunnar but I am of his kin and I would
(that I might) be ordered to this journey (quest perhaps?)
Jarl mælti: "Það vil eg gjarna. Skal og þína för allvel búa."
(the) Earl spoke "I wish that willingly (G) and shall also well equip you for the Journey/venture
Well I would be most grateful for any comment