80. kafli
Nothing happy with this at all - I keep feeling there
is something missing - from both these chapters and I cannot pin it
This is why I am so late here
Njáll átti hlut að við þá er eftirmál áttu eftir þá Starkað og Þorgeir
þeir skyldu taka sættum og var héraðsfundur til lagður og teknir menn
gerðar og voru virðir í allir hlutir,
Njal had dealings with those who had a case against
the killers of Starkað and Thorgeir and there was a district
meeting arranged and men named/taken to judge and all things were
estimated in the case
tilför við Gunnar þó að hann væri sekur.
in the attack again st Gunnar even though he were
En slík fégjöld sem ger voru þá galt Mörður allt því að þeir luku
eigi fyrr upp gerð á hendur honum en gert var áður um hitt málið og
þeir það á endum standast. Voru þeir þá alsáttir.
All such payments were judged/evaluated and Morð repaid
completely because they were (firstly) finished with the judgement against
They could not close his case before this case and
they judged the cases to be equal (same amount - saved book-keeping) [I
got completely lost here] therefore the cases (being blanced were
En á þingi var umræða mikil um mál þeirra Geirs goða og Högna og kom þar
þeir sættust og hélst sú sætt með þeim síðan. Bjó Geir goði í Hlíð
dauðadags og er hann úr sögunni.
And at Thing there was great discussion concerning Geir
Goði and Hogni and it came (about) that they settled and kept the
Geir Goði lived in Hlið til the day of his death and he
is out of the saga
Njáll bað konu til handa Högna, Álfeiðar dóttur Veturliða skálds, og var
honum gefin.
Njal asked for a wife for Hogni, Alfeid daughter of
Veturlið the Poet and she was given to him in marriage
Þeirra son var Ari er sigldi til Hjaltlands og kvongaðist þar.
Frá honum er kominn Einar Hjaltlendingur, hinn vaskasti maður. Högni
vináttu sinni við Njál og er hann úr sögunni.
Their son was Ari who sailed to Hjaltaland (The
Shetlands) and and was married there and from him (descended) was Einar the
Shetlander a most valiant man
81. kafli
Nú er að segja frá Kolskeggi að hann kemur til Noregs og er í Vík austur
veturinn en um sumarið eftir fer hann austur til Danmerkur og felst á
Sveini konungi tjúguskegg og hafði þar virðingar miklar.
Now it is to tell of Kolskegg that he came to Norway to
Vik in the East for the Winter and during the next summer he went to Denmark and
was knighted by King Svein forkbeard and had great honour there
Eina hverja nótt dreymir hann að maður kom að honum. Sá var ljós og
honum hann vekja sig.
On on certain night he dreams a man comes to (visits)
him . That one was of light (radiance) and he thought he should wake
Hann mælti við hann: "Statt upp þú og far með mér."
He spoke to him "Stand up and go with me"
"Hvað vilt þú mér?" segir Kolskeggur.
"What do you want with me" says
Hann mælti: "Eg skal fá þér kvonfang og skalt þú vera riddari minn."
He spoke "I shall make you a wife-taking and you shall
become my knight"
Hann þóttist játa því. Eftir það vaknaði hann.
He thinks to himself to agree (sounds good) and after
that he woke up
Síðan fór hann til spekings
eins og sagði honum drauminn en hann réð svo að hann mundi fara suður í
og verða guðs riddari.
Then he went to a Spae-Man (wise man) and told him the
dream, and he (the Spaemaðr) interpreted it that he should go south to (other)
lands and become God's Knight
Kolskeggur tók skírn í Danmörku en nam þar þó eigi yndi og fór í
og var þar einn vetur.
Kolskegg took Christianity (baptism) in Denmark but was
not happy there and went to Russia and was there for the Winter
Þá fór hann þaðan út í Miklagarð og gekk þar á mála.
Spurðist það til hans að hann kvongaðist þar og var höfðingi fyrir
væringjaliði og var þar til dauðadags og er hann úr sögu þessi.
Then he went away to Constantinople and was there
for a time.
It was learned that he married there and was a
Chieftain in the Varangian Guard and was there until the day of his death and is
now out of the Saga
Any advice - Critique will be welcomed