Njall 80 + 81 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 8776
Date: 2007-12-07

80. kafli

Njáll átti hlut að við þá er eftirmál áttu eftir þá Starkað og Þorgeir að
þeir skyldu taka

Njall had a part in it then when (the) issue (came up) after them Starkad
and Þorgeir that they should accept

sættum og var héraðsfundur til lagður og teknir menn til gerðar og voru
virðir í allir

reconciliation and (there) was a district meeting to settle (the case) and
people appointed to do (it) and (issues) were evaluated in all

hlutir, tilför við Gunnar þó að hann væri sekur. En slík fégjöld sem ger
voru þá galt

respects, (the) attack on Gunnar even though he was outlawed. And such
compensation money as was ordered then Mord repaid

Mörður allt því að þeir luku eigi fyrr upp gerð á hendur honum en gert var
áður um hitt

entirely because they (could) not close (the case) done at his hands than
before (it) was settled concerning

málið og létu þeir það á endum standast. Voru þeir þá alsáttir.

this case and they allowed it in the end to stand. They were then
completely reconciled.

En á þingi var umræða mikil um mál þeirra Geirs goða og Högna og kom þar að

But at (the) Thing was much discussion concerning the case of Chieftain Geir
and Hogni and (it) came about that they

sættust og hélst sú sætt með þeim síðan. Bjó Geir goði í Hlíð til dauðadags
og er hann úr sögunni.

settled and kept that truce between them afterwards. Chieftain Geir lived
in Hlid until the day of his death and he is out of the saga.

Njáll bað konu til handa Högna, Álfeiðar dóttur Veturliða skálds, og var hún

Njall asked for a wife for Hogni, Alfeid, daughter of poet Veturlidi, and
she was given

gefin. Þeirra son var Ari er sigldi til Hjaltlands og kvongaðist þar. Frá
honum er kominn

to him. Their son was Ari who sailed to (the) Sheltands and married there.
From him is come

Einar Hjaltlendingur, hinn vaskasti maður. Högni hélt vináttu sinni við Njál
og er hann úr sögunni.

Einar (the) Shetlander, the bravest man. Hogni kept his friendship with
Njal and he is out of the saga.

81. kafli

Nú er að segja frá Kolskeggi að hann kemur til Noregs og er í Vík austur um
veturinn en

Now is to tell of Kolskegg that he comes to Norway and is in Oslo in (the)
east during the winter and

um sumarið eftir fer hann austur til Danmerkur og felst á hendi Sveini

during the next summer he went east to Denmark and was knighted ? at the
hands of King Svein

tjúguskegg og hafði þar virðingar miklar.

forkbeard and had great honour there.

Eina hverja nótt dreymir hann að maður kom að honum. Sá var ljós og þótti
honum hann vekja sig.

One certain night he dreams that a man comes to him. That one was bright
and seemed to him he wakes.

Hann mælti við hann: "Statt upp þú og far með mér."

He spoke with him, "You get up and go with me."

"Hvað vilt þú mér?" segir Kolskeggur.

"What do you want with me?" says Kolskegg.

Hann mælti: "Eg skal fá þér kvonfang og skalt þú vera riddari minn."

He spoke, "I shall make you a marriage and you shall become my knight."

Hann þóttist játa því. Eftir það vaknaði hann. Síðan fór hann til spekings
eins og sagði

He seemed to agree to it. After that he awakened. Afterwards he went to a
wise man and told

honum drauminn en hann réð svo að hann mundi fara suður í lönd og verða guðs

him of the dream and he advised thus that he would go south in the land and
become God's knight.

Kolskeggur tók skírn í Danmörku en nam þar þó eigi yndi og fór í Garðaríki
og var þar

Kolskegg received baptism in Denmark but was still not happy there and went
to Russia and was there

einn vetur. Þá fór hann þaðan út í Miklagarð og gekk þar á mála. Spurðist
það til hans að

one winter. Then he went thence out to Constantinople and went there for a
time. It was learned about him that

hann kvongaðist þar og var höfðingi fyrir væringjaliði og var þar til
dauðadags og er hann úr sögu þessi.

he married there and was a chieftain in the Varangian guard and was there
until the day of his death and he is out of this saga.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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