Gunnar's recital made little sense and I came to send this in and I saw Alan's comment on it and thought - either that was so - or they had put a flagon or two of the best - in with him
Síðan tók Skarphéðinn öxi sína og fer með þeim til Hlíðarenda. Þau Högni og
Rannveig tóku við honum allvel og urðu honum fegin mjög.
After that Skarpheðin took up his axe and went with them to Hliðarend - there Hogni and Rannveig took very well with him and were very glad with him (to see him)
Rannveig bað að
hann væri þar lengi. Hann hét því. Þeir Högni gengu út og inn jafnan.
Rannveig asked (invited) him to stay a long time. He promised (to do) that.
They (he and ) Hogni went outside and in continually (often ?)
var maður vasklegur og vel að sér ger og tortryggur og þorðu þau fyrir því
eigi að segja honum fyrirburðinn.
Hogni was a man of gallant bearing (Z) and accomplished in his manner (at ease) with himself - but suspicious (Z) and for that reason they dared not tell of the Vision
Þeir Skarphéðinn og Högni voru úti eitt kveld og voru fyrir sunnan haug
They, Skarpheðin and Hogni were out one evening and were south of Gunnar's How
Tunglskin var bjart en stundum dró fyrir. Þeim sýndist haugurinn
opinn og hafði Gunnar snúist í hauginum og sá í móti tunglinu.
The Moon was bright but at times clouded over. The How appeared to them open and Gunnar had turned in the how to look at the moon
Þeir þóttust
sjá fjögur ljós í hauginum brenna og bar hvergi skugga á.
They thought they saw four lights in the How and nowhere a shadow
Þeir sáu að Gunnar
var kátlegur og með gleðibragði miklu. Hann kvað vísu og svo hátt að þó
mátti heyra gjörla þó það þeir væru firr:
They saw Gunnar as merry and of very cheerful manner and he recited a verse that still they could hear clearly even though far off
Mælti döggla deilir,
Spoke the giver of the Dew (?blood)
dáðum rakkr, sá er háði
Valorous standing who fought
bjartr með bestu hjarta
Illustrious with best of heart
benrögn, faðir Högna:
wound rain - the father of Hogni
Heldr kvaðst hjálmi faldinn
held forth declared of himself
hjörþilju sjá vilja
To want to see the sword-play (Z)
vættidraugr en vægja,
A ghost spirit not to yeild
val-Freyju stafr, deyja -
With Freyja's staff to die (does this refer to the Halberð)
og val-Freyju stafr deyja.
and to die with Freyja's staf (die fighting)
Síðan laukst aftur haugurinn.
After that the How closed
"Mundir þú trúa," segir Skarphéðinn, "ef aðrir segðu þér?"
"Would you believe this if you were told" says Skarpheðin
"Trúa mundi eg," segir Högni, "ef Njáll segði því að það er sagt að hann
ljúgi aldrei."
"I would believe it " says Hogni "if Njal said itbecause it is said that he never lies"
"Mikið er um fyrirburði slíka," segir Skarphéðinn, "er hann sjálfur vitraði
okkur að hann vildi heldur deyja en vægja fyrir óvinum sínum og kenndi okkur
þau ráð."
"Much is said of a vision like this" says Skarpheðin
[a reflection on the importance of the recitative]
"when he himself told us he would rather die than yield to his enemies and he (personally?) gave us counsel
Got a trifle lost here
"Engu mun eg til leiðar koma," segir Högni, "nema þú viljir mér að veita."
" I shall come to no way (to do no good) says Hogni "except that you will help me"
"Nú skal eg það muna," segir Skarphéðinn, "hversu Gunnari fór eftir víg
Sigmundar frænda yðvars. Skal eg nú veita þér slíkt er eg má. Hét faðir minn
því Gunnari þar er þú ættir hlut að eða móðir hans."
"Now I will remember" says Skarphedin "How it was with Gunnar after the slaying of Sigmund - your (pl) kinsman. I shall now help you in such (a way ) as I may/can" (to do all I am able)
My Father promised that to Gunnar - where so ever you had a part (?or need)
in anything or his mother"
Gengu þeir síðan heim til Hlíðarenda.
After that they went back home to Hliðarend
Seemed all right apart from the verse - any advice welcome
This is my second try at sending this in - it was rejected first time
Any ideas why