Not too displeased - except with the verse - I find poets troublesome at times (Halfred was one - but differently)
"Þá skal eg nú," segir hún, "muna þér kinnhestinn og hirði eg aldrei hvort
þú verð þig lengur eða skemur."
"Then I shall now " says she " remember to you (remind you of) the box upon the ear (Z) and I shall never care whether you defend yourself for longer or shorter" (Cow!!)
"Hefir hver til síns ágætis nokkuð," segir Gunnar, "og skal þig þessa eigi
lengi biðja."
"Each has (or keeps) some thing for his fame, and I shall not ask you this for long" (for much longer?)
Rannveig mælti: "Illa fer þér og mun þín skömm lengi uppi."
Rannveig spoke "You do evil and your shame will be up (remembered) for a long time"
Gunnar varði sig vel og fræknlega og særir nú aðra átta menn svo stórum
sárum að mörgum lá við bana.
Gunnar defended himself well and bravely and now wounds eight more men with such serious/great wounds that many lay with death (knocking at his door)
Gunnar ver sig þar til er hann féll af mæði.
Þeir særðu hann þá mörgum stórum sárum en þó komst hann úr höndum þeim og varði sig þá enn lengi en þó kom þar að þeir drápu hann.
Gunnar defends himself until falling from weariness / exhaustion
then they wounded him with many severe wounds but even so he came out of their hands (got away) - and defended himself a long time until it came about that they killed him
Um vörn hans orti Þorkell Elfaraskáld í vísu þessi:
Of his defence Thorkel Elfara Poet wrote this verse
Spurðum vér hve varðist
We heard how he defended himself
vígmóðr kjalar slóða
The battle warrior of keels tracks
glaðstýrandi geiri,
Cheerful stears man of a spear
Gunnar, fyrir Kjöl sunnan.
Gunnar from Kjol in the South
Sóknrýrir vann sára
The battle destroyer made wounds
sextán viðar mána
to (all of) sixteen men
hríðar herðimeiða
While hardy to injure (herði-meiða)
hauðrmens en tvo dauða.
(in) Earth's Girdle (sea) but two dead
Gissur mælti: "Mikinn öldung höfum vér nú að velli lagt og hefir oss erfitt
veitt og mun hans vörn uppi meðan landið er byggt."
Gizur spoke "A great hero have we now laid low and it has given/earned us trouble and his defence will be up (remembered) while this country is occupied
Síðan gekk hann til fundar við Rannveigu og mælti: "Vilt þú veita mönnum
vorum tveimur jörð er dauðir eru og séu hér heygðir?"
After that he went to a meeting with Rannveig and asked"Wouldst thou (sing.) grant Earth (burial) for our two men that are dead - to behere buried in How (Heygðr - a how burial)
"Að heldur tveimur," segir hún, "að eg mundi veita yður öllum."
She says "For two - more readily (would rather) grant earth for you all"
[well said Woman]
"Vorkunn er þér til þess er þú mælir," segir hann, "því að þú hefir mikils
misst" og kvað á að þar skyldi engu ræna og engu spilla. Fóru á braut síðan.
"It is excusable (understood) that you say this" says He you have greatly lost" and declared that there shouold be NO Robbery and NO destroying - then went away
I got badly held up with the poetry - hope for any help Critique available