I'd be really interested in trying out a few translations from runic texts.  I'm not sure if that's close enough to anyone's expertise to provide feedback on, I realize it's a pretty different animal from saga-texts, but even if it's a bit of a we-need-to-really-work-at-it kind of a proposition, it would be really worth it for me.
has some clear images of rune stones.
I was also looking for some pics from Maeshowe, but without much luck, so far.
Rundata which has english translations for each stone, and is easily downloadable, so that might be helpful to begin with.

On 06/10/2007, Cadu Garcia rcia@...> wrote:


Look here http://www.dafont.com/search.php?psize=m&q=futhark


2007/10/6, marko_kolaric <marko_kolaric@...>:


I am new to the course, and i wanted to ask you if i can
find a Runes font for Microsoft Word on the net.
I have searched around the net but did not find anything.

Thanks forward.

unnr .freelinuxhost.com/ReEnactment
Ontario 2009: Known World Dance Symposium
"Yey! Dancing!"