You are right of course. But I believe the inquiry was for help on
pronouncing the Norse, Larry.
Tom Wulf
Assoc. Prof. of Information Technology
College of Applied Science, University of Cincinnati
2220 Victory Parkway ML 0103
Cincinnati, OH 45206-2839
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of LM
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] pronunciation of some simple words
It might be noted that while each heathen is free to develop their own
means of
practice, the "hammer" rite is a modern device, adapted from the
ritual of the pentagram" as practiced by various occult lodges. It
doesn't seem
to have any authentic and verifiable basis in historical pre-Christian
However, if one feels that this rite effectively "wards one's howe",
then by
means, pick up the Hammer and go for it.
Larry "Lavrans" Miller
Wulf, Tom (wulft) wrote:
> v is pronounced w
> e is pronounced like long a in English
> r is trilled
> dh is actually the eth character th as in 'the'
> Long a in Norse is longer in duration not long in the sense of a long
> in English.
> Not sure about the g. Egil is actually pronounced 'ale' with a silent
> so 'Hela' not 'Helga'
> But everyone that I know says 'helga' with a hard g also they don't
> to pronounce the o in these words consistently:
> ok is 'awk' English short o
> but nordhri is 'NOthri' English long o
> This is probably incorrect and it would be nice to fine tune it.
> Regards,
> Tom Wulf
> Assoc. Prof. of Information Technology
> College of Applied Science, University of Cincinnati
> 2220 Victory Parkway ML 0103
> Cincinnati, OH 45206-2839
> Tom.Wulf@...
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of wildhare13
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 9:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [norse_course] pronunciation of some simple words
> Not sure if you all are familiar with the hammer rite..
> I don't have pronunciation marks... but the words are
> "Hamarr i nordhri helga ve thetta ok hald vordh!"
> meaning "hammer in the North hallow and hold this holy-stead".
> My main questions are how to pronounce "ve thetta" and "vordh"
> my friend uses "vay theeeta"... I have read pronunciation guides in
> the back of several books which would indicate "vay thetta" (rhyme
> with forget-a).... and should "vordh" rhyme with "or" or "are"... and
> the dh is somewhere between a th and a z... is the "r" trilled a bit?
> I am sorry my message is scattered.. I am not very scholarly... but I
> am to perform this rite soon in the company of others, and I would
> like to say it correctly. I disagree with using a long e especially
> in thetta.
> thanks and it's nice to have these forums..
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