Jeg vet det ikke om man kan finne det pa. Amazon, men du kunne letter etter Ragnvald Iversen's Norro/n Grammatik hvis du ikke kan lese tysk (de beste gramatikkene er pa. tysk (men de er veldig gammeldags); Noreens Altislaendische Grammatik er ved 'the Germanic Lexicon Project', og du kan 'Gutenbrunner's Historiche Laut- und Formenlehre des Altislaendischen' fra en god universitets bibliotek).
Lykke! -Justin

Victoria Clare <snillgaupe@...> wrote:
I am Victoria Clare and just beginning with Old Norse, though I speak Norwegian fairly fluently.  There are differences - more than I anticipated.  Can anyone direct me to a good Grammatik I can purchase via Amazon?  I have Zoega's dictionary but need to be able to construct sentences.  Kindly email me directly to: snillgaupe@... net .  I am currently a clerical student for Asatru through the good offices of The Troth.  Your help is invaluable to my course of study and I thank you for your time.
Victoria Clare
Osprey Kindred

Nu eow is gerymed;    gað ricene to us,    guman to guþe;    god ana wat    hwa þære wælstowe    wealdan note.
(Now the way is clear for you; O warriors, hasten to the battle; God alone knows how things will turn out)

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