I've probably man of the same questions as you do. 
I am also a "lurker" in old Norse.  In college, I  took courses in beginning Norwegian,  German,  and have also studied a bit of some other languages.
I read the old Norse and then read the translation, and work at my own understandings.
Your signature poem translates something like??? :
"You know not  who shed the  tears, 
 Which are rebirthed today like a gift of  of flowers?   
That disenchantment, sprouted  these flowers;
To wither one day and yield  fresh pain, new songs, new agony, new downers."

Laeticia Diamond <laeticia_diamond@...> wrote:
Não sabeis vós que as lágrimas caídas no passado
são flores renascidas em vosso presente?
Que desencanto, posto que essas flores
um dia murcham e consigo trazem novas mágoas,
novos choros, novas agonias, novos desalentos