--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "nbs1883" <nbs1883@...> wrote:
> just ask any question you have.
> my one question: i am not English, but i am danish and i wounder if
> that is an advantaged or not. danish is after all are Nordic language.
> danish: jeg er ikke engelsk, men dansk og jeg undre mig over om det er
> en fordel eller ikke. dansk er jo et Nordisk sprog.
Yes, I'm sure it would be a great help in learning Old Norse.
Although Danish has lost a lot of the morphology of the older
language, and gained lots of loan-words from German since medieval
times, most of the basic vocabulary still goes back to Old (East)
Norse. You'll also be familiar with features such as the suffixed
definite article, which can seem odd to English learners. Good luck
with your studies!