If anyone wants a bit of listening practice, Ríkisútvarpið (The
Icelandic National Broadcasting Service) recently broadcast a
retelling of the story of Tristan and Iseult. It's still possible to
listen to some of the episodes online:
There were eight episodes altogether. You can still hear them all
from 2 onwards, but they'll be disappearing day by day, so tomorrow
the earliest you be able to get will be episode 3, and so on.
This isn't the Old Norse version, but a Modern Icelandic translation
of Joseph Bédier's [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_B%C3%A9dier ]
retelling. Bédier based his work on the earliest French sources for
the story, but also made use of other sources, including the Old Norse
Because of the subject matter, most of the vocabulary would be right
at home in the medieval sagas, although a few common idioms will be
mysterious for people who haven't encountered the modern language.