Eirik 12 end - - Graces translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 8482
Date: 2007-08-18

Þeir hljópu eftir einfætingi og sáu hann stundum og þótti sem hann leitaði
undan. Hljóp

They ran after (the) uniped and saw him for a while and (it) seemed as (if)
he ran? away.

hann út á vog einn. Þá hurfu þeir aftur. Þá kvað einn maður kviðling þenna:

He jumped out into a wave. Then they turned back. Then one man recited
this verse.

Eltu seggir, Poets urge?

allsatt var það, all pacified it was

einn einfæting one uniped

ofan til strandar down to (the) beach

en kynlegr maðr but (the) strange man

kostaði rásar chose races?

hart of stopir, too hard? a mischance

heyrðu, Karlsefni. You hear, Karlsefni

Þeir fóru þá í brott og norður aftur og þóttust sjá Einfætingaland. Vildu
þeir þá eigi lengur

They went then away and back north and thought to see Unipedland. They
wished then not longer

hætta liði sínu. Þeir ætluðu öll ein fjöll, þau er í Hópi voru og þessi er
nú fundu þeir, og

to risk their crew. They all thought one (range of) fells, those which
were in Hopi and which they found now, and

það stæðist mjög svo á og væri jafnlangt úr Straumsfirði beggja vegna.

it stood much so to and were just as far out of Straumsfirth on both sides.

Fóru þeir aftur og voru í Straumsfirði hinn þriðja vetur. Gengu menn þá mjög

They sailed back and were in Straumsfirth the third winter. Men went then
to much subterfuge?

Sóttu þeir er kvonlausir voru í hendur þeim er kvongaðir voru. Þar kom til
hið fyrsta

They who were without wives attacked in hand those who were with wives.
There was born with the first

haust Snorri son Karlsefnis og var hann þá þrívetur er þeir fóru á brott.

fall Snorri, Karlsefni's son, and he was then three years old when they
sailed away.

Höfðu þeir sunnanveður og hittu Markland og fundu Skrælingja fimm. Var einn

They had wind from the south and reached Markland and found five Skraelings.
One was

skeggjaður og tvær konur, börn tvö. Tóku þeir Karlsefni til sveinanna en
hitt komst undan

bearded and two women and two children. They , Karlsefni and company, took
hold of the children but ? escaped

og sukku í jörð niður. En sveinana höfðu þeir með sér og kenndu þeim mál og

and sank down in the earth. But they had the children with them and taught
them to speak and

skírðir. Þeir nefndu móður sína Vethildi og föður Óvægi. Þeir sögðu að

(they) were baptized. They called their mother Vethild and father Ovaeg.
They said that kings

stjórnuðu Skrælingjalandi. Hét annar þeirra Avaldamon en annar hét
Valdidida. Þeir

ruled Skraeling Land. One of them, Avaldamon and the other was called
Valdidida. They

kváðu þar engi hús og lágu menn í hellum eða holum. Þeir sögðu land þar

said (there were) no houses there and people stayed in holes or caves. They
said there (was) land on the other side

gagnvart sínu landi og gengu menn þar í hvítum klæðum og æptu hátt og báru
stangir og

across from their land and people there walked in white clothing and yelled
loud and carried sticks and

fóru með flíkur. Það ætla menn Hvítramannaland. Nú komu þeir til Grænlands
og eru

went with flags. People consider it Whiteman Land. Now they came to
Greenland and

með Eiríki rauða um veturinn.

stayed with Eirik the red during the winter.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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