See Gordon: An Introduction to Old Norse, pp. 50-51, and especially
the notes: pp. 216-217. You can also find the poems in normalised Old
Norse spelling here:

Hafa kváðu mig meiðar
málmþings, er kom eg hingað,
(mér samir láð fyr lýðum
lasta), drykk hinn basta.

Trees of metal-meeting (=trees of battle = warriors/men) said that,
when I came here, (It befits me to curse this country in men's
presence.) I should have the best of drinks.

NOTE: 'meiðar málmþings' "warriors/men" is the subject of 'kváðu'.
'baztr' is an old alternative form of 'beztr' "best" -- with the usual
change in modern spelling from 'z' to 's'. 'láð' is a poetic word for
'land'; 'lýðir' is a poetic word for "men". 'fyr' = 'fyrir' "before,
in the presence of". 'mér samir' "it befits me".

Bílds hattar verðr byttu
beiði-Týr að reiða.
Heldr er svo að eg krýp að keldu,
komat vín á grön mína.

Asking-Týr of Odin's hood (=god of helmet = warrior = I) must brandish
bucket (i.e. as opposed to weapons as would be more fitting for a
hero such as myself...). It is rather that I creep to the spring.
Wine didn't touch my lips.

NOTE: 'verða að' + infinitive = "to have to". 'komat' = 'kom' "came"
+ the negative suffix '-at' = "did not come". 'beiði-Týr...' is
explained by Gordon as "Týr who asks for the helmet, i.e. a man of
fighting fame and service." But adds that, "Such concentrated
metaphors cannot be translated with the same effect as the original."

Förum aftr þar er órir
eru (sandhimins) landar,
látum kenni-Val kanna
knarrar skeið en breiðu,

Let's go back to where our compatriots are. Let's make the
inquisitive steed/hawk of the sand-sky (=steed of the sea = ship)
explore the broad racetrack of the ship (=the sea),

NOTE: 'órir' "our" (masculine nominative plural) is an archaic form of
'várir' (modern spelling 'vorir'). 'landar' is nominative plural of
'landi' "compatriot, countryman". The clauses are interwoven (a
typical skaldic trick!), so that 'sandhimins' actually belongs with
'kenni-Val'. 'knarrar', of 'knörr' a type of broad-hulled
ship. See Gordon's note 320 on the ambiguity of Valr/valr. Steed of
the sea is a normal kenning for "ship", but "hawk of the sea" isn't
used elsewhere. On the other hand, both "hawk" and "steed" both fit
the context, so maybe the multimetaphorical wordplay is intentional.

meðan bilstyggir byggja
bellendr (og hval vella)
Laufa veðrs, þeir er leyfa
lönd, á Furðuströndum.

while those lively strengtheners/increasers of Laufi's storm (=...of
the storm of the sword, Laufi being the name of Böðvarr Bjarki's
sword; = wagers of war = warriors/men) who praise these lands inhabit
Furðustrandir and boil whale.

NOTE: More twisted word-order: the kenning 'bellendr Laufa veðrs' is
split up by 'og hval vella' "and boil whale", which more naturally
belongs at the end of the sentence.