. Hann var á skipi með þeim Þorvaldi því að honum var víða kunnigt í
óbyggðum. Þeir

He was on (the) ship with them, Þorvald, etc., because to him was (were)
unoccupied lands widely known. They

höfðu það skip er Þorbjörn hafði út þangað og réðust til ferðar með þeim
Karlsefni og

had that ship which Þorbjorn had (sailed) out thither and recruited for
(the) voyage with them Karlsefni and

voru þar flestir grænlenskir menn á. Á skipum þeirra voru fjórir tigir manna
annars hundraðs.

mostly Greenland men were there (on board). On their ship were forty men of
the other

100 or 120.

Sigldu þeir undan síðan til Vestribyggðar og til Bjarneyja. Sigldu þeir
þaðan undan

They sailed afterwards along to (the) Western Settlement and to Bear
Islands. They sailed thence from

Bjarneyjum norðan veður. Voru þeir úti tvö dægur. Þá fundu þeir land og reru
fyrir á

Bear Islands with a wind from the north. They were at sea two days. Then
they found land and rowed towards by

bátum og könnuðu landið og fundu þar hellur margar og svo stórar að tveir
menn máttu

boats and reconnoitered? (the) land and found there huge flat rocks and so
large that two men

vel spyrnast í iljar. Melrakkar voru þar margir. Þeir gáfu nafn landinu og
kölluð Helluland.

might well (measure it by) touching the soles of their shoes lying on their
backs. (Z)

There were many arctic foxes. They gave a name to the land and called it
Flat Rock Land.

Þá sigldu þeir norðan veður tvö dægur og var þá land fyrir þeim og var á
skógur mikill og

Then they sailed with a wind from the north two days and then land was
before them and (there) was on (it) a great forest and

dýr mörg. Ey lá í landsuður undan landinu og fundu þeir þar bjarndýr og
kölluðu Bjarney

many animals. An island lay in the south below the land and they found
bears there and called (it) Bear Island

en landið kölluðu þeir Markland. Þar er skógurinn.

but the (main)land they called Forest Land. There is the forest.

Þá er liðin voru tvö dægur sjá þeir land og þeir sigldu undir landið. Þar
var nes er þeir

Then when two days past they see land and they sailed along the land. There
was a headland which they

komu að. Þeir beittu með landinu og létu landið á stjórnborða. Þar var öræfi
og strandir

came to. They steered near the wind along the land and kept the land to
starboard. There was a harborless coastline and long beaches

langar og sandar. Fara þeir á bátum til lands og fundu þar á nesinu kjöl af
skipi og köllu

and sand. They go by boat to (the) land and found there at the headland a
keel from a ship and called

þar Kjalarnes. Þeir gáfu og nafn ströndunum og köllu Furðustrandir því að
langt var með

(the place ) there Keel Headlands. They also gave a name to the beaches and
called them Wonder Beaches because it was a long time to sail along (them).

að sigla. Þá gerðist vogskorið landið og héldu þeir skipunum að vogunum.

Then the land became full of bays (couldn't find vogskorid anywhere, but
that is what the translation said) and they steered their ships to the bay.

Það var þá er Leifur var með Ólafi konungi Tryggvasyni og hann bað hann boða
kristni á

It was then when Leif was with King Olaf Tryggvyson and he bade him to
preach Christianity

Grænlandi og þá gaf konungur honum tvo menn skoska. Hét karlmaðurinn Haki en

to Greenland and then (the) king gave him two Scots people. The servant-man
was called Haki and (the) wife

Hekja. Konungur bað Leif taka til þessara manna ef hann þyrfti skjótleiks
við því að þau

Hekja. (The) king bade Leif to take these people along if he needed
swiftness because they

voru dýrum skjótari. Þessa menn fengu þeir Leifur og Eiríkur til fylgdar við

were swifter creatures. They, Leif and Eirik, gathered these people for
(the) crew with Karlsefni.

En er þeir höfðu siglt fyrir Furðustrandir þá létu þeir hina skosku menn á
land og báðu

But when they had sailed before Wonder Beaches, then they set those Scots
people on land and bade

þau hlaupa í suðurátt og leita landskosta og koma aftur áður þrjú dægur væru
liðin. Þau

them run south and find out the quality of the land and come back before
three days were past. They

voru svo búin að þau höfðu það klæði er þau kölluð kjafal. Það var svo gert
að hötturinn

were so equipped that they had that clothing which they called kjafal. It
was so made that the hood

var á upp og opið að hliðum og engar ermar á og hneppt í milli fóta. Hélt
þar saman

was on up and open at (the) side and (had) no sleeves and buttoned between
the legs. A button held (it) together there

hnappur og nesla en ber voru annars staðar.

and ?? but were bare?? other places?

Þeir köstuðu akkerum og lágu þar þessa stund. Og er þrír dagar voru liðnir
hljópu þau af

They cast anchor and lay there this time. And when three days were past
they ran down from

landi ofan og hafði annað þeirra í hendi vínber en annað hveiti sjálfsáið.
Sagði Karlsefni

(the) land and one had in their (his) hand wine grapes and the other
self-sown wheat. Karlsefni said

að þau þóttust fundið hafa landskosti góða.

that they seemed to have found a good quality of land.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa