Eirik 6 end, plus 7 beginning - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 8427
Date: 2007-07-20

Nú fór Guðríður og hitti Þorstein og sýndist henni sem hann felldi tár og
mælti í eyra

Now Gudrid went and met Þorstein and (it) seemed to her as (if) he shed
tears and spoke in her ear

henni nokkur orð hljótt svo að hún ein vissi og sagði að þeir menn væru
sælir er trúna

some words quietly so that she alone knew and said that those men were well
who kept

héldu vel og henni fylgdi miskunn og hjálp og sagði þó að margir héldu hana
illa "er það (the) faith well and mercy and help followed it and said even
though many kept it badly, "it is

engi háttur sem hér hefir verið á Grænlandi síðan kristni var hér að setja
menn niður í

not a custom as here has been in Greenland after Christianity was here to
set people down in

óvígða mold við litla yfirsöngva. Vil eg mig láta flytja til kirkju og aðra
þá menn sem hér

unconsecrated ground with little (in the way of) a service. I wish to have
myself carried to (the) church and those other people who

hafa andast en Garða vil eg láta brenna á báli sem skjótast því að hann
veldur öllum

have died here but Gardi I wish to have burned on a pyre as quickly as
possible because he is to blame for all

afturgöngum sem hér hafa orðið í vetur.

(the) ghosts as have been here in winter.

Hann sagði henni og um sína hagi og kvað hennar forlög mikil mundu verða en
hann bað

He told her also about his pastures and told her a great fate would be hers
but he bade

hana varast að giftast grænlenskum manni. Bað hann og að hún legði fé þeirra
til kirkju

her beware of marrying a Greenland man. He bade also that she contribute
their money to (the) church

eða gefa það fátækum mönnum. Og þá hneig hann aftur í öðru.

or give it to poor people. And then he sank back another (time).

Sá hafði háttur verið á Grænlandi síðan kristni kom út þangað að menn voru
grafnir þar á

This had been a custom in Greenland after Christianity came out thither that
people were buried there at

bæjum, er menn önduðust, í óvígðri moldu. Skyldi setja staur upp af brjósti
en síðan er

(the) farm where people died in unsanctified ground. A stake should sit up
from (the) breast and after that when

kennimenn komu til þá skyldi kippa upp staurnum og hella þar í vígðu vatni
og veita þar

priests arrived then should the stick be pulled up and holy water poured
there in and a service given there

yfirsöngva þótt það væri miklu síðar.

though it were much later.

Líkin voru færð til kirkju í Eiríksfjörð og veittir yfirsöngvar af

(The) bodies were carried to (the) church in Eirik's Firth and services
performed by priests.

Eftir það andaðist Þorbjörn. Bar þá féið allt undir Guðríði. Tók Eiríkur við
henni og sá

After that Þorbjorn died. All the wealth fell to Gudrid's lot. Eirik took
her in and saw

vel um kost hennar.

well to her affairs.

7. kafli

Maður hét Þorfinnur karlsefni, son Þórðar hesthöfða, er bjó norður í
Reyninesi í

A man was called Þorfinn promising lad, son of Þordar horse head, who lived
north in Rowan headlands in

Skagafirði er nú er kallað. Karlsefni var ættgóður maður og auðigur að fé.
Þórunn hét

Jutting Firth which (it) is now called. Karlsefni was a man of good family
and wealthy as to money. Þorunn was his mother's name.

móðir hans. Hann var í kaupferðum og þótti fardrengur góður.

He was in (the) shipping trade and seemed a good seafaring man.

Eitt sumar býr Karlsefni skip sitt og ætlaði til Grænlands. Réðst til ferðar
með honum

One summer Karlsefni readies his ship and intended to (go to) Greenland.

Snorri Þorbrandsson úr Álftafirði og voru fjórir tigir manna með þeim.

Þorbrand's son from Alfta Firth joined the crew for the journey with him and
including them were forty men (in the crew).

Maður hét Bjarni Grímólfsson, breiðfirskur maður. Annar hét Þórhallur

A man was called Bjarni Grimolf's son, a man from Wide Firth. Another was
called Þorhall Gamla's son,

austfirskur maður. Þeir bjuggu skip sitt samsumars sem Karlsefni og ætluðu

a man from East Firth. They readied their ship the same summer as Karlsefni
and intended to (go to)

Grænlands. Þeir voru á skipi fjórir tigir manna.

Greenland. They were on the ship forty men.

Láta þeir í haf fram tvennum skipum þegar þeir eru búnir. Eigi var um það
getið hversu

They put forward out to sea two ships as soon as they were ready. Regarding
that was not said how

langa útivist þeir höfðu, en frá því er að segja að bæði þessi skip komu í
Eríksfjörð um haustið.

long they had been at sea, but concerning that is to tell that both ships
came into Eirik's Firth in the fall.

Eiríkur reið til skips og aðrir landsmenn og tókst með þeim greiðleg
kaupstefna. Buðu

Eirik rode to (the) ships and other country men and a brisk market

stýrimenn Eiríki að hafa slíkt af varninginum sem hann vildi. En Eiríkur
sýni mikla

(The) captains offered Eirik to have such of the wares as he wished. But
Eirik shows much

stórmennsku af sér í móti því að hann bauð þessum skipverjunum báðum heim
til sín til

greatness from himself in return because he invited both these ships' crews
home to his (farm)

veturvistar í Brattahlíð. Þetta þágu kaupmenn og fóru með Eiríki. Síðan var
fluttur heim

to stay the winter in Brattahlid. (The) traders accepted this and went with
Eirik. Afterwards their wares were carried home

varningur þeirra í Brattahlíð. Skorti þar eigi góð og stór útibúr að
varðveita í. Líkaði

to Brattahlid. Good and sturdy outbuildings were not lacking to keep (the
wares) in.

kaupmönnum vel með Eiríki um veturinn.

(the) traders were well pleased with Eirik during the winter.

En er dró að jólum tók Eiríkur að verða óglaðari en hann átti vanda til.

When it drew towards Jule Eirik became unhappier than he had been accustomed
to (being).

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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