I have posted here an extra copy - I think two hours - is quite long
enough for Yahoo to hold on to the assignment, before
Grace and I have seemingly used this copy therefore
the copy that arrived after this can be deleted - because Yahoo held onto it for
about 14 hours
En eg kann það að segja að hallæri þetta mun ekki
haldast lengur en í vetur og mun batna árangur sem vorar.
And I can say(to you) that this bad season (Z) will not hold itself (last out) longer than (this) winter and will improve with (the coming of) Spring
Sóttarfar það sem lengi hefir legið mun og batna vonum bráðara.
The sickness which has lain long will improve with hope (Ván) soon
En þér Guðríður skal eg launa í
hönd liðsinni það sem oss hefir af staðið
því að þín forlög eru mér nú öll glöggsæ.
But to thee Guðrið I shall repay into (your) hands - for the help we have had - thy fate is all clear to me
Það muntu gjaforð fá hér á Grænlandi er sæmilegast er
til þó að þér
verði það eigi til langæðar því að vegir þínir liggja
út til Íslands
You will make a match here in Greenland that is most honourable, but even so it will not be for long because your way/path lies way out in Iceland
og mun þar koma frá þér ættbogi bæði mikill og góður
og yfir þínum
ættkvíslum mun skína bjartur geisli. Enda far nú vel og heil, dóttir mín."
and there from you will come such a family line (as
Family Tree?) of (the) both great and good; and over your genealogy shall
shine such illustrious (Z) rays of light (poet this woman) And now
fare (thee) well and in good health my daughter
Síðan gengu menn að vísindakonunni og frétti hver eftir því sem mest forvitni var á. Var hún og góð af frásögnum.
Afterwards folk went to the wisewoman and asked her about things they most needed to know (needed to ask for) She was also good at telling them
Gekk það og lítt í tauma er hún sagði.
It also went and became true as she said (not sure of this)
Þessu næst var komið eftir henni af öðrum bæ og fór hún
þá þangað.
After (all) this one was come for her from another farm and so she went thither
Þá var sent eftir Þorbirni því að hann vildi eigi heima
vera meðan slík
heiðni var framin.
Thorbjorn was sent for because he did not want to be at
home while such heathenry was going forward (scared?)
batnaði skjótt þegar er vora tók sem Þorbjörg hafði sagt.
Weather improved quickly as soon as Spring took (arrived)
just as Thorbjorg had said
Býr Þorbjörn skip sitt og fer uns hann kemur í Brattahlíð.
Thorbjorn makes ready his ship and sails until he comes to Brattahlið
Tekur Eiríkur við honum báðum höndum og kvað það vel er hann var þar kominn.
Eirik takes him in both hands (arms might be better) and greets him well when he is come (we would use when he had arrived ?)
Var Þorbjörn með honum um veturinn og skuldalið hans. Eftir
um vorið gaf
Eiríkur Þorbirni land á Stokkanesi og var þar ger
sæmilegur bær og bjó hann
þar síðan.
Thorbjorn was with him for that Winter and his Family.
After this in the Spring Eirik gave to Thorbjorn lands at Stokka Ness
(?headland) and a worthy farm was built there and he lived there
5. kafli
Eiríkur átti þá konu er Þjóðhildur hét
og við henni tvo sonu. Hét
annar Þorsteinn en annar Leifur. Þeir voru báðir
efnilegir menn.
Eirik had there a wife named Thjoðhild and with her had two sons. One named Thorstein and the other Leif. They were both promising men.
Var Þorsteinn heima með föður sínum og var eigi þá sá maður á Grænlandi er jafn mannvænn þótti sem hann.
Thorsteinn was / (stayed at) home with his Father and there was not then (at that time) one man who seemed his equal
Leifur hafði siglt til Noregs. Var hann þar með Ólafi konungi Tryggvasyni.
Leif had sailed to Norway. He was there with King
Olaf Tryggvason
En er Leifur sigldi af Grænlandi um
sumarið urðu þeir sæhafa til Suðureyja. Þaðan byrjaði þeim seint og dvöldust þar
lengi um sumarið.
But when Leif sailed from Greenland in the Summer
they were driven off course (Z) to the Hebrides. They were becalmed and
delayed during the summer
Leifur lagði hug á konu þá er Þórgunna
hét. Hún var kona ættstór. Það sá Leifur að hún mundi kunna fleira en fátt eitt.
Leif set his heart on a woman. She was a wellborn/noble
woman. This leif saw as she would know more /be wiser than, a lesser
En er Leifur sigldi á brott beiddist Þórgunna að fara með
But when Leif sailed away Thorgunna asked for herself (on her own behalf) to sail with him
Leifur spurði hvort það væri nokkuð vilji frænda hennar. Hún kveðst ekki að því fara.
Leif asked if it was some wish of her relatives. She declared for herself that is was not because of this (?she did not mind?) [ I think that she was just being her own Woman]
Leifur kveðst eigi kunna að gera hertekna svo stórættaða konu í ókunnu landi "en vér liðfáir."
Leif declared for himself (for his part) he knew not to abduct a woman(Z) thus noble/highborn in an unkown land "for we are short of men"
[there we go - he's getting cold feet in case her Family
came after them]
Þórgunna mælti: "Eigi er víst að þér þyki því
betur ráðið."
"Á það mun eg hætta," sagði Leifur.
Thorgunna spoke [advice needed here] It is uncertain that you think this is the wise course (that you could choose better?)
"That I must risk" said Leif (good man)
Leif then seemed to start a fashion for emigrating to America which they called Vinland - Land of vines
Some reading to interest our Scholars
I believe most of it is quite well authenticated - but I did keep the Salt handy