From: llama_nom
Message: 8351
Date: 2007-06-28
> Howling wolf (þytrulfr ? I´m not sure)The 'r' in 'þytr' is an inflectional ending, indicating the nominative
> Black wolf (svartulfr)Svartúlfr looks fine to me, although I don't know if there is any
> Dark wolf (dark as deep color)Besides Kveldúlfr "evening wolf", which Patricia mentioned, Jarpúlfr
> Lone wolf (?)Einúlfr, -ólfr. I'm not sure if this is recorded anywhere in Old
--- In, "hygwulf1" <hygwulf1@...> wrote:
> Heill !
> My name is Carlos Corbella. I have been member for some time, but I
> haven´t posted yet, I normally read English, and I write it horribly,
> but I need help; my Old Norse is worse than my English. Some 10 years
> ago when I chose the name "Hygwulf" I was totally mislead; my source
> was very bad, and now I know that not only is it misspelled, but the
> concept is erroneous. I´d like to change it but I don´t want to be wrong
> again, and so I´m asking for your help.
> I´m thinking of three possibilities:
> Howling wolf (þytrulfr ? I´m not sure)
> Black wolf (svartulfr)
> Dark wolf (dark as deep color)
> Lone wolf (?)
> I have a logo, a wolf howling at the moon; that´s why I want something
> so that I don´t have to change it, and I need a domain name, so some
> are better than others.
> I want to apologise - my english is really bad - and to thank you in
> for your help.