From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 8336
Date: 2007-06-22
This did indeed take a very long time today with a lot of interruptions
Maður hét Ormur er bjó að Arnarstapa. Hann átti konu þá er Halldís hét.
Was a man named Orm lived at Arnastapa (?Eagle Rock) He had a wife named Halldis
Ormur var góður bóndi og vinur Þorbjarnar mikill. Var Guðríður þar löngum að fóstri með honum.
Orm was a good farmer and a great friend of Thorbjorn's Guðrið was fostered with them for a long time (CSOI for long periods of time)
Maður hét Þorgeir er bjó að Þorgeirsfelli. Hann var vellauðigur að fé og hafði verið leysingi.
A man named Thorgeir lived at Thorgeir's Fells he was very wealthy and had been made a freedman (CSOI a freed slave)
Hann átti son er Einar hét. Hann var vænn maður og vel mannaður og skartsmaður mikill.
He had a son named Einar. He was a handsome man and well-accomplished )(Z) and a greaty lover of finery (G) (a dandy)
Einar var í siglingu landa í milli og tókst honum það vel. Var hann jafnan sinn vetur hvort á Íslandi eða í Noregi.
Einar was sailing from one land to another (Z) and took himself to that well (successfully). He was always for his winters in either Iceland or Norway (by turns)
Nú er frá því að segja eitt haust er Einar var út hér að hann fór með varning sinn út eftir Snæfellsnesi og skyldi selja.
Now it is to tell of one Autumn - Einar was out here (in Iceland from Norway) (Z) he travelled with his wares out to the Snowfall's Ness and wished to sell
Hann kemur til Arnarstapa. Ormur býður honum þar að vera og það þiggur Einar því að þar var vinátta við kjörin.
He came to Arnastapa (Eagle's Rock) Orm invited him to stay and that Einar accepts for it was friendship with a choice/with trade
Varningurinn Einars var borinn í eitthvert útibúr. Einar brýtur upp varninginn og sýndi Ormi og heimamönnum og bauð Ormi slíkt af að taka sem hann vildi.
Einar's wares were placed in a certain one of the sheds. Einar took out (some) of his wares to show to Orm and his household, and invited Orm to choose what he liked (to take as much as he wanted)
Ormur þá þetta og taldi Einar vera góðan fardreng og auðnumann mikinn. En er þeir héldu á varninginum gekk kona fyrir útibúrsdyrin.
Orm took this (received the gift) and declared of Einar to be a good trades man and a man of great good-fortune. But when they were holding the goods a woman walked in front of the door of the outbuilding
Einar spurði Orm hver sú hin fagra kona væri er þar gekk fyrir dyrnar "eg hefi hana eigi hér fyrr séð."
Einar asked of Orm who was this beautiful woman who (just) walked by the door "I have not seen her here before"
Ormur segir: "Það er Guðríður fóstra mín, dóttir Þorbjarnar bónda frá Laugarbrekku. "
Orm says "That is Guðrið my fosterdaughter, the daughter os Thorbjorn the farmer of Laugarbrekka (Grace's translation last time was Washing Slope - I like that better)
Einar mælti: "Hún mun vera góður kostur. Eða hafa nokkurir menn til komið að biðja hennar?"
Einar spoke "She would be a fine match, but have any men come to ask for her"
Ormur svarar: "Beðið hefir hennar víst verið vinur og liggur eigi laust fyrir. Finnur það á að hún mun bæði vera mannvönd og faðir hennar."
Orm replies "certainly she has been asked for but she will be particular to a man and is as her father (See CV Mann-vand)
"Svo fyrir það," kvað Einar, "að hún er sú kona er eg ætla mér að biðja og vildi eg að þessi mál kæmir þú fyrir mig við föður hennar
"So that follows" (that's as may be?) declared Einar "but she is such (the sort of) woman I would choose /select for myself. And I would that you arrange this matter for me with her father.
og legðir á alendu að flytja því að eg skal þér fullkomna vináttu fyrir gjalda.
and make a good plea (flytja) and I shall repay (gjalda) with fullest friendship (see note at foot - a-lend)
Má Þorbjörn bóndi á líta að okkur væru vel hentar tengdir því hann er sómamaður mikill og á staðfestu góða en lausafé hans er mér sagt að mjög sé á förum.
Farmer Thorbjorn could see we would be well suited in a relationship, because he is a very honourable man with a good fixed abode (Z) but as to moveables it is said to medwindling/on the wane(Z)
En mig skortir hvorki land né lausafé og okkur feðga og mundi Þorbirni verða að því hinn mesti styrkur ef þessi ráð tækjust."
But to me is neither shortage of Land nor movables - with us father and son (me and my dad) and Thorbjorn would be well supported (would have strength from it?) If the advice be taken.
He is not confusing his feelings for the Girl with his wish to advance his prosperity by association with "the right Folk"
As to alendu could we see it as a-lend - in CV lend is given a meaning of Land and also to make an end of something if this were so then he could be inferring that Orm should bring to an end - a satisfactory conclusion his wish to marry Guðrið
Any advice critique willl be welcomed