Þeir Eiríkur urðu sekir á Þórsnessþingi.

Eirik and his companions (Eirik and they) were prosecuted (G5) at the Thorsness Assembly

Hann bjó skip í Eiríksvogi en Eyjólfur leyndi honum í Dímunarvogi meðan þeir Þorgestur leituðu hans um eyjarnar.

He prepared a ship in Eirik's Bay and Eyjolf his him in Dimunar Bay while Thorgest and his band (Thorgest and they) sought him in the Islands

Hann sagði þeim að hann ætlaði að leita lands þess er Gunnbjörn son Úlfs kráku sá,

He told them that he had decided to seek out the land that Gunnbjorn son of Ulf Crow saw

er hann rak vestur um haf og hann fann Gunnbjarnarsker.

when he drifted west and found Gunnbjorn's Skerry (CSOI)  ** drifted here implies he was driven off course and the Skerry is given as a Rock which is submerged at high tide (perhaps shipwreck)

Hann kveðst aftur mundu leita til vina sinna ef hann fyndi landið. Þeir Þorbjörn og Styr og Eyjólfur fylgdu Eiríki út um eyjar og skildu með hinni mestu vináttu.

He (Eirik) declared for himself he would wish to come back for his friends if he found the land. Thorbjorn, and Styr and Eyjolf followed Eirik out of the Islands (?armed Escort?) and they parted from him with greatest Friendship

Kveðst Eiríkur þeim skyldu verða að þvílíku trausti sem hann mætti sér við koma ef þeir kynnu hans að þurfa.

Eirik declared himself  to them (promised) he would be such support as he was able (i.e. in any way he could) if they had need.

Sigldi Eiríkur á haf undan Snæfellsjökli og kom utan að jökli þeim er Bláserkur heitir. Hann fór þaðan suður að leita ef þar væri byggjanda.

Eirik put to sea (Z) out of Snowfall's Glacier and came out by the Glacier known as "White Shift" (or white shirt) From there he went south looking for a place to settle.

Hann var hinn fyrsta vetur í Eiríkseyju, nær miðri hinni vestri byggðinni.

He was the first winter at Eiriksey, near the middle of the Western settlement (CSOI calls it Eastern)

Um vorið eftir fór hann til Eiríksfjarðar og tók sér þar bústað.

The following Spring he went to Eirik's Fjords and took a dwelling place (G)

Hann fór það sumar í hina vestri óbyggð og gaf víða örnefni.

He travelled that summer in the West (where it was) unoccupied, and gave names to places 

 Hann var annan vetur í Eiríkshólmum við Hvarfsgnípu en hið þriðja sumar fór hann allt norður til Snæfells og inn í Hrafnsfjörð.

He was a second winter in Eirik's Knoll near Vanishing(?)Peak and in that third summer he went North to Snowfalls and into Raven's Fjord 

Þá þóttist hann kominn fyrir botn Eiríksfjarðar. Hverfur hann þá aftur og var hinn þriðja vetur í Eiríkseyju fyrir mynni Eiríksfjarðar.

Then it seemed to him he had come to the head of Eirik's Fjord. He tuirned then afterwards and was for the third Winter in Eiriksey (the island) at the mouth of Eirik's Fjord

Eftir um sumarið fór hann til Íslands og kom í Breiðafjörð. Hann var þann vetur með Ingólfi á Hólmlátri. Um vorið börðust þeir Þorgestur og fékk Eiríkur ósigur. Eftir það voru þeir sættir.

The following Summer he went to iceland and landed at BreiðaFjorð he was there for the winter with Ingolf at Holmlatr (?Island place). In the Spring he fought with the Thorgeisters (sounds reasonable) and Eric's Band were defeated (ó + sigr - Un-victors). After that they made peace.

Það sumar fór Eiríkur að byggja landið það er hann hafði fundið og hann kallaði Grænland því að hann kvað menn það mjög mundu fýsa þangað ef landið héti vel.

That Summer Eirik travelled to settle in the Country he had found and he called Greenland because  he announced folk would be more-likely to come thither if the country were well named  (?subj)

3. kafli

Þorgeir Vífilsson kvongaðist og fékk Arnóru dóttur Einars frá Laugarbrekku, Sigmundarsonar, Ketilssonar þistils er numið hafði Þistilsfjörð.

Thorgeir Vifil's Son took for himself a wife and married Arnora, daughter of Einar of Laugarbrekka, son of sigmund (who was) son of Ketil Thistle who had settled at Thistle'sFjord

Önnur dóttir Einars hét Hallveig. Hennar fékk Þorbjörn Vífilsson og tók með land á Laugarbrekku á Hellisvöllum.

Another Daughter of Einar was named Hallveig.  She was married to Thorbjorn Vifil's Son and took with (settled in?) land at Laugar Brekka at Hellisvellir  

Réðst Þorbjörn þangað byggðum og gerðist göfugmenni mikið. Hann var goðorðsmaður og hafði rausnarbú.

Thorbjorn moved his household there (?) and made of himself a very worshipful man (G) He was a worthy man and had a great estate (Z)

Guðríður hét dóttir Þorbjarnar. Hún var kvenna vænst og hinn mesti skörungur í öllu athæfi sínu.

Gudrið was the name of Thorbjorn's daughter She was the most beautiful woman and the most noble in all her conduct/acts

I got stuck in a few places and would so appreciate any critique thanks to following Grace's example I am getting more accustomed to translating place names - and beginning to wonder at the Reasons. For the names - Disappearing or Vanishing Peat - disappeared into the Heavy Cloud perhaps - etc

