Thanks, Patricia. So, it looks like they had the same idea. I see
there's a similar example in Þórðar saga hreðu, also expressing regret.
Skeggi kvað hann mikla óhamingjuför farið hafa "en látið son minn
eftir hjá þeim manni sem mestur ofsamaður er," kveðst svo hugur um
segja að þar mundi koma að mikið væri gefanda til að Eiður hefði þar
aldrei komið til Þórðar.
--- In, "Patricia Wilson"
<originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> Thanks LN - See below
> You would give a lot now never to have molested Gunnar
> In the CSOI they have
> Starkad and Thorgeir came home and Hildigunn treated their wounds
and said
> You would give a great deal now not to have treated Gunnar so badly"
> "We certainly would" said Starkad
> I am copying up all this to study presently
> I have Faarlund and will look at that too - blast !!
> Gerundive was never my best point
> Kveðja
> Patricia