I got all of a tangle - couple of times - I hope this
will be okay = but any critique welcome -
Þóroddur goði mælti: "Svo líst oss sem það muni friðlegast að sæst sé á
málið eða hví leggur þú svo fátt til Gissur hvíti?"
Thorod (the) Priest spoke "It seems to us to be most
peaceful were the suit to be settled, why do you say so little Gizur the
"Svo líst mér," segir Gissur, "sem rammar skorður muni
þurfa við að setja að
voru máli ef duga skal.
"It seems to me" says Gizur "that strong Measures/means
will be needed to settle our suits if they should be enough
Má það sjá að nær standa vinir Gunnars og mun sá
verða málahluti vor
bestur að góðir menn geri um ef Gunnar vill það."
It is to be seen near by stand the friends of Gunnar
and this may become unbalanced (?) our best (?choice) is that good
men take it if Gunnar wishes
"Sáttgjarn hefi eg verið jafnan,"
segir Gunnar, "enda eigið þér nú eftir
mikið að mæla en eg þykist þó mjög
neyddur til hafa verið."
"I have always been willing to come to terms"
(CV) says Gunnar "even if you now after so longask, but I think
myself to have been much wronged/distressed"
(neyddur - nauð/need)
Urðu þær nú
málalyktir með ráði hinna vitrustu manna að málin voru öll lagið
í gerð.
Skyldi gera um sex menn.
Now there were helpers in the Lawsuits/Lawcourts (?) to
advise (them) of the most trusted men, the cases were all sent for judgement.
Six men should decide
Var þá þegar gert um málið á þingi.
This was done at once concerning cases at
(does this mean all cases - was it according to
Var það
gert að Skammkell skyldi ógildur en manngjöld skyldu vera
jöfn og
It was decided/judged that Skammkel should be unattoned
but were-gild should be equal to the spur's wound/blow
(Otkell's were gild and Gunnar's injury were
equal and cancelled each other out)
en bætt voru önnur vígin sem vert þótti og gáfu frændur Gunnars
fé til
að þegar voru bætt upp öll vígin þar á þinginu.
but the value of the other killings was estimated; and
paid for by Gunnar's kin.
All the killings were paid for at once at
Gengu þeir þá til og
veittu Gunnari tryggðir Geir goði og Gissur
They went then towards Gunnar - Geir Priest and Gizur
the White and offered a truce
Reið Gunnar heim af þingi og þakkaði
mönnum liðveislu og gaf mörgum gjafar
og fékk af hina mestu sæmd. Situr
Gunnar nú heima í sæmd sinni.
Gunnar rode home from Thing he thanked folk for their
support and gave any gifts and he won the greatest honour. Gunnar sits now at
home in great respect.
57. kafli
Starkaður hét maður. Hann
var sonur Barkar blátannarskeggs Þorkelssonar
bundinfóta er land nam
umhverfis Þríhyrning.
A man's name was Starkad. He was son of Bork
Bluetoothbeard son of Thorkel Boundfoot who settled the land around Three
Hann var kvongaður maður og hét
kona hans Hallbera. Hún var dóttir
Hróalds hins rauða og Hildigunnar dóttur
Þorsteins tittlings.
He was a married man and his wife was named Hallbera.
She was daughter to Hroald the Red and Hildigunn the daughter of Thorstein
Móðir Hildigunnar var Unnur dóttir Eyvindar karfa,
systir Móðólfs hins
spaka er Móðylfingar eru frá komnir.
The Mother of Hildigunn was Unn the daughter of Eyvind
Karf (? from Karfi - a ship - Galley) and the sister of Modalf the Gentle (Z1)
from whom come the Modylfing Folk (or Clan?)
Synir þeirra
Starkaðar og Hallberu voru þeir Þorgeir og Börkur og
Þorkell. Hildigunnur
læknir var systir þeirra.
Their sons - of Starkad and Hallbera were Thorgeirr and
Bork and Thorkell.
Hildigunn the Healer was their sister
Þeir voru ofsamenn miklir í skapi, harðlyndir og
ódælir. Þeir sátu yfir
hlut manna.
They were very arrogant men in spirit/manner,
they were hard tempered and harsh. (ó-dæl - hard to deal with
They sat upon / walked on (other) men's
I have taken way too long over this - and kelp getting
stuck for words - I did notice Karf - from Alan's translation - I could not see
that - and looked in every dictionary I have for Karfa but could only find the
Karfi - Galley