> Sáttgjarn hefi eg verið jafnan
> eager-of-agreement (conciliatory) ...
Yes: "I've always wanted (been keen/ready/prepared/happy/glad to) to
come to an agreement", "...to settle this thing peacefully."
> eigið þér nú eftir mikið að mæla
Zoega: mæla eptir e-n "to take up the prosecution in the case of a
slain man" (þú átt eptir hraistan mann at mæla).
So: you have a lot to bring to court; you have have a serious case to
make; you have grievances indeed to state; MM & HP "the grievances for
which you seek redress are heavy".
> Hann var sonur Barkar ... Synir þeirra Starkaðar og Hallberu voru
þeir Þorgeir og Börkur
> He was (the) son of Bark ... were they, Þorgeir and Börk
Barkar is the genitive of Börkr.