From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 8089
Date: 2007-04-10
How does Yahoo (?) manage to delay this for something like 7-1/2 hours is there any point in asking
-------Original Message-------
From: Patricia Wilson
Date: 10/04/2007 22:38:24
Subject: [norse_course] Njal 54 to end Patricia's Translation
Þeir hljópu þá allir af baki og sóttu að Gunnari. Hallbjörn var fremstur. They all leapt off horse back and went for (attacked) Gunnar. Hallbjorn was foremost "I am not attacking you" says Gunnar I wished to harm you least - but I will spare none in my own defence (impers. +dat ? if my hands defend) "That will not do" saya Hallbjorn "for you wish to kill my brother and it is a disgrace (to me) if I (merely) sit by" and he thrust with a great spear - two handed Gunnar shot for/at the shield and Hallbjorn put the shield in the way. Gunnar (got stuck here) Gunnar struck the shield down so hard that it stuck in the earth and (he) took the sword so quickly (?on the rebound) that no eyes could see/catch it - sliced with the sword upon the wrist and cut it clean off (it was taken off ?) Skammkel leapt upon Gunnar's back and slices at him with a great axe Gunnar Gunnar turns himself quickly toward him and strikes with the Halberð and came at the angle under the axe head taking it out of his hand and into the Rang River (A most fortunate blow) Gunnar leggur í annað sinn Gunnar lays into it again with his (trusty) halberð and thrusts through Skammkel and lifts him up and casts him down onto the clay upon his head Auðólfur austmaður þreif upp spjót og skaut að Auðolf the Easterner took up a spear and thrust at Gunnar Gunnar tók á lofti spjótið og skaut aftur þegar og fló í gegnum Gunnar took the spear in mid-air and hurled it back at once and it went through the shield and the man - the easterner, and down into the field (stuck in the ground) Otkell höggur með sverði til Otkell hews/slices with a sword aiming for the foot/leg below the knee. Gunnar leapt into the air and Otkel misses him Gunnar leggur atgeirinum til hans og í gegnum hann. Þá Gunnar thrusts the Halberð into him and runs him through. Then comes Kolskegg and leaps at Hallkell and cuts him to death (banahogg - his death blow) with a short sword. There they killed eight A woman ran home - she saw (this) and told Mord and asked him to separate (them) "They are only to be" says he "(those) that I never cared that they killed themselves" "You would not want to say that " says she "there will be Gunnar your kinsman and Otkel (who is) your friend" "you are always harping on something you old hag (well it fits) says he (miserable creature - might be closer) and he lay within while they fought against each other" Gunnar rode home and Kolskeg, after this job (deed) and they ride up hard after their errand/mission, and Gunnar sprang from horse back and landed on his feet Kolskeg spoke "You now ride hard Kinsman" Gunnar spoke " Skammkel laid these words into me when I spoke (said to him) "you rode me down / rode over me. "Now you have avenged this" says Kolskegg "What I know" says Gunnar "whether is will (for this) be cowardly (or more cowardly ?) than other men - as it seems to me (there is) more/better to do for men than to kill them. I think Gunnar regrets all the killing for he seems to be speccing on how much more worthy it would have been to have ignored the challenge Any Critique/advice/ help welcomed Patricia | |||