This is the translation left with me by Grace to be forwarded to Norse Course - there are others - Grace has been working very hard on this and deserves her holiday
I am still working on mine - watch this space
-------Original Message-------
Date: 29/03/2007 15:44:23
Subject: Re: Njal 52 + 53 - - Grace's translation
52. kafli
Runólfur hét maður sonur Úlfs aurgoða. Hann bjó í Dal fyrir austan
Markarfljót. Hann
A man was called Runolf, son of Ulf mud chieftain.  He lived in Dale east of
Markar River.  He
gisti Otkel er hann reið af þingi. Otkell gaf honum uxa alsvartan, níu vetra
passed the night with Otkell when he rode from (the) Thing.  Otkell gave him
a nine-year-old ox, entirely black.
Runólfur þakkaði honum gjöfina og bauð honum heim þá er hann vildi fara og
stóð þetta
Runolf thanked him for the gift and invited him home then when he wished to
go and this invitation stood
heimboð nokkurt skeið svo að hann fór eigi. Runólfur sendi honum oft menn og
minnti á
some time so that (because) he didn't go.  Runolf frequently sent him men
and reminded (him)
að hann skyldi fara og hét hann jafnan ferðinni. Otkell átti hesta tvo
bleikálótta. Þeir voru
that he should go and he always promised the journey.  Otkell had two
light-coloured dun horses (dun horses have black stripes down their backs by
definition).  They were
bestir hestar að reið í héraðinu og svo elskir hvor að öðrum að hvor rann
eftir öðrum.
(the) best horses to ride in the district and so loved each (the) other that
each ran after (the) other.
Austmaður var á vist með Otkatli er Auðúlfur hét. Hann lagði hug á Signýju
A man from the east was staying with Otkell who was called Audulf.  He had
his heart set on Signy, Otkell's daughter.
Otkels. Auðúlfur var mikill maður vexti og styrkur.
Audulf was a very (well) grown man and strong.
53. kafli
Það var um vorið að Otkell mælti að þeir mundu ríða austur í Dal að heimboði
og létu
It was during the spring that Otkell said that they would ride east to Dale
to (the) invitation and all
allir vel yfir því. Skammkell var í för með Otkatli og bræður hans tveir,
Auðúlfur og þrír
were pleased at it.  Skammkell was (along on the) trip with Otkell and his
two brothers, (as well as) Audulf and three
menn aðrir. Otkell reið hinum bleikálótta hesti en annar rann hjá laus.
Stefna þeir austur
other men.  Otkell rode one dun horse and (the) other ran loose beside.
They go east in the direction
til Markarfljóts. Hleypir hann nú fyrir Otkel. Ærast nú báðir hestarnir og
hlaupa af
of Markar River.  Now he (the loose horse) leaps before Otkell. Now both the
horses run wild and run from
leiðinni upp til Fljótshlíðar. Fer Otkell nú meira en hann vildi.
the path up to Fljotslid.  Otkell now goes further than he wanted.
Gunnar hafði farið heiman einn samt af bæ sínum og hafði kornkippu í annarri
hendi en
Gunnar had gone from home all alone from his farm and had a basket of seed
in one hand and
handöxi í annarri. Hann gengur á sáðland sitt og sáir þar niður korninu og
a hand axe in (the) other.  He goes to his cropland and sows grain down
there and laid
guðvefjarskikkju sína niður hjá sér og öxina og sáir nú korninu um hríð.
down his kirtle made of expensive cloth near him and the axe and now sows
grain for a while.
Nú er að segja frá Otkatli að hann ríður meira en hann vildi. Hann hefir
spora á fótum og
Now is to tell of Otkell that he rides further than he wished.  He has spurs
on (his) feet and
hleypir neðan um sáðlandið og sér hvorgi þeirra Gunnars annan. Og í því er
leaps down all over the crop land and neither sees them, (neither) Gunnar
(nor Otkell) (the) other.  And in that (circumstance) when Gunnar
stendur upp ríður Otkell á hann ofan og rekur sporann við eyra Gunnari og
rístur hann
stands up, Otkell rides down to him and rakes the spur along Gunnar's ear
and tore him
mikla ristu og blæðir þegar mjög. Þar riðu þá félagar Otkels.
a great rent and at once (it) bled much.  Then Otkell's company rode there.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa