Re: koma fram ...

From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 8023
Date: 2007-03-28

From my Translation I was unsure of what to say but I thought Gunnar was being threatening here, I see no need for an apology LN you did not confuse me any more that I am frequently confused in the first place

brought forward     What I meant there was Gunnar was warning  Otkel off - "if you do not want to be reconciled then I shall have to resort to sterner measures" - well that sort of thing anyway - I actually saw it as a threat - like - play nice or watch your butt

This was what I wrote to begin with - he had already a plan in mind

En ef
yður þykir betra að vér séum ósáttir þá læt eg þess enn kost en gert hefi eg
þá enn eitt ráð fyrir mér og skal það þá fram koma."

And if it seems to you better that we are not reconciled then I have one other choice and that shall then be brought forward

-------Original Message-------
From: llama_nom
Date: 28/03/2007 17:53:03
Subject: [norse_course] Re: koma fram ...

Ah, I see. Thanks for setting me straight on that. (And sorry,
Patricia, for trying to confuse you!) No, I don't think you misread
me, Eysteinn. I should probably have checked a bigger dictionary. I
just didn't realise that 'koma fram' could be used intransitively too
with that meaning "come into effect".

> Possibly you are misreading the dative here? Note:
> "Hann kom einhverju fram" = "He effected something"
> "Það kom fram" = "It came into effect" (NOT "því kom fram").

From Zoega, I got the impression that the intransitive 'það kom fram'
had other meanings, so I wrongly assumed that the meaning "to be
effected" after 'skal' would have to be a passive version of that, as
in the example I found with 'sleppa':

> Komi þá út brot, skal það hækkað upp ef það er meira en 1/2, ella
skal því sleppt.

...although I see now that's a different construction anyway, since
it's the past participle 'skal því [vera] sleppt'.


--- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, "Eysteinn Bjornsson"
<eysteinn@.. .> wrote:
> LN,
> "It shall come to be", "it shall take place" - which in this
> context = "it shall be carried out". The meaning is similar to
> when you say "spádómurinn kom fram" = "spádómurinn rættist", i.e.
> "the prophecy came to be, came true, became reality".
> >> But I'm guessing that it doesn't mean "be put into effect",
> >> since the verb would then take a dative object: koma e-u fram.
> Possibly you are misreading the dative here? Note:
> "Hann kom einhverju fram" = "He effected something"
> "Það kom fram" = "It came into effect" (NOT "því kom fram").
> Unless I've misread you, which is always possible.
> Regards,
> E.
> --- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, "llama_nom" <600cell@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Mind you, on second thoughts, maybe there's not much (semantic)
> > difference in the context between a plan emerging and being put into
> > effect. MM & HP: "...and I shall not hesitate to carry it out."
> >
> >
> > --- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, "Patricia Wilson"
> > <originalpatricia@ > wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks LN I shall get my notes and look at this again
> > > Kveðja
> > > Patricia
> > >
> > > -------Original Message----- --
> > >
> > > From: llama_nom
> > > Date: 27/03/2007 20:22:17
> > > To: norse_course@ yahoogroups. com
> > > Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal Ch51 to end Patricia's
> Translation
> > >
> > >
> > > > og skal það þá fram koma.
> > > > and that shall then be brought forward.
> > >
> > > Emerge (become apparent)? Take place? Both these meanings which
> > > Zoega has for 'koma fram' seem appropriate here. But I'm guessing
> > > that it doesn't mean "be put into effect", since the verb would
> then
> > > take a dative object: koma e-u fram. That's supposing that the
> dative
> > > case would be kept when the verb is subordinated to impersonal
> > > 'skulu'; I think that's how it would work. Here -- bearing in mind
> > > Eysteinn's warnings from last time I tried this trick ;) -- is an
> > > example I found on the internet from Modern Icelandic.
> > >
> > > Komi þá út brot, skal það hækkað upp ef það er meira en 1/2, ella
> skal
> > > því sleppt.
> > >
> > > If it comes out as a fraction, it should be rounded up if it's
> more
> > > than 1/2; otherwise it should be let go / dropped.
> > >
> > > Note: skal *það* hækkað ... skal *því* sleppt.
> > >
> > > LN
> > >
> >


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