koma fram ...

From: Eysteinn Bjornsson
Message: 8017
Date: 2007-03-28



"It shall come to be", "it shall take place" - which in this
context = "it shall be carried out". The meaning is similar to
when you say "spádómurinn kom fram" = "spádómurinn rættist", i.e.
"the prophecy came to be, came true, became reality".

>> But I'm guessing that it doesn't mean "be put into effect",
>> since the verb would then take a dative object: koma e-u fram.

Possibly you are misreading the dative here? Note:

"Hann kom einhverju fram" = "He effected something"
"Það kom fram" = "It came into effect" (NOT "því kom fram").

Unless I've misread you, which is always possible.


--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote:
> Mind you, on second thoughts, maybe there's not much (semantic)
> difference in the context between a plan emerging and being put into
> effect. MM & HP: "...and I shall not hesitate to carry it out."
> --- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Patricia Wilson"
> <originalpatricia@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks LN I shall get my notes and look at this again
> > Kveðja
> > Patricia
> >
> > -------Original Message-------
> >
> > From: llama_nom
> > Date: 27/03/2007 20:22:17
> > To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal Ch51 to end Patricia's
> >
> >
> > > og skal það þá fram koma.
> > > and that shall then be brought forward.
> >
> > Emerge (become apparent)? Take place? Both these meanings which
> > Zoega has for 'koma fram' seem appropriate here. But I'm guessing
> > that it doesn't mean "be put into effect", since the verb would
> > take a dative object: koma e-u fram. That's supposing that the
> > case would be kept when the verb is subordinated to impersonal
> > 'skulu'; I think that's how it would work. Here -- bearing in mind
> > Eysteinn's warnings from last time I tried this trick ;) -- is an
> > example I found on the internet from Modern Icelandic.
> >
> > Komi þá út brot, skal það hækkað upp ef það er meira en 1/2, ella
> > því sleppt.
> >
> > If it comes out as a fraction, it should be rounded up if it's
> > than 1/2; otherwise it should be let go / dropped.
> >
> > Note: skal *það* hækkað ... skal *því* sleppt.
> >
> > LN
> >

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