From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 7980
Date: 2007-03-19
----- Original Message -----From: Patricia WilsonSent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:42 AMSubject: Njal 49 - end and 50 Part 1 Patricia's Translation"Það mun eg þiggja," sagði Otkell, "og ver þú sem réttorðastur."
"That I accept" said Otkell " (ver = imp) Be thou as truthful (right spoken)
"Svo skal vera," segir Skammkell."Thus shall (it) be" says Skammkel
Tók Skammkell þá við hestinum og við klæðum Otkels en Otkell gengur heim.Skammkel took then the horse and clothes of Otkell. And Otkel went home
Hallbjörn var úti og mælti til Otkels: "Illt er að eiga þræl að einkavin ogHallbjorn was outside and spoke to Otkell "It is bad to have (own) a slave (thrall) for a special friend (G) (einka+vinr) and
munum vér þessa jafnan iðrast er þú hefir aftur horfið og er það óviturlegt
we must be constantly most regretful that you have turned back and it is stupid (unwise)
bragð að senda hinn lygnasta mann þess erindis er svo mun mega að kveða að
líf manna liggi við."plan to send one most lying man this errand which you would call a man's life with (matter of life or death - (MM&HP)
"Hræddur mundir þú verða," segir Otkell, "ef Gunnar hefði á lofti atgeirinn
er þú ert nú svo.""Terrified would you become" says Otkel "if Gunnar had raised his halberd (for) you to be like this now"
"Eigi veit það," segir Hallbjörn, "hver þá er hræddastur en það munt þú eiga
til að segja að Gunnar mun ekki lengi munda atgeirinum ef hann færir hann á
loft og sé hann reiður.""It is not known" says Hallbjorn "who would be most terrified then but you will come to see that Gunnar will not wait (MM&HP - waste time) pointing (Z) his halberd if he raises it (P.185 CV if it is in reach) and if he should be angry
Otkell mælti: "Hvikið þér allir nema Skammkell."Otkel said "You are all shrinking (Z) except Skammkel
Voru þeir þá báðir reiðir.They were then both angry
50. kafli
Skammkell kom til Mosfells og hermdi boð öll fyrir Gissuri.Skammkel came to Mosfel and repeated all the offers that were forward (up front) to Gizur
"Svo líst mér," segir Gissur, "sem þetta hafi allvel boðið verið eða fyrir
hví þá Otkell eigi boð þessi?""Thus it seems to me" says Gizur "that these were most generous (all + well) offers that were/had been made why did not Otkel accept them
"Það var mest í því," segir Skammkell, "að allir vildu leita þér vegs og
beið hann af því þinna atkvæða og mun öllum það best gegna.""that was most because" says Skammkel "that all wanted to seek your honour (to pay you respect) and he waited because your advice would over all be best to suit him (to go with ?)
Þar var Skammkell um nóttina.Skammkell was there overnight
Gissur sendi mann eftir Geiri goða og kom hann ofan snemma.Gizur sent a man after Geir Priest who came over early (in the morning)
Segir þá Gissur honum allt hversu farið var, spurði þá hversu með skyldi
fara.Says then Gizur to him - all that had happened, asked then what they should do (what way to go)
Geir mælti: "Svo sem þú munt áður ætlað hafa að gera það af þessu máli sem
best gegnir. Nú munum við láta Skammkel segja söguna í annað sinn og vita
hversu honum hermist."Geir said "What you must have considered/decided - to go for the case as best we can do Now we may have Skammkel say the story another time and see how he tells it
Þeir gerðu svo.They did so
Geir mælti: "Rétt munt þú sagt hafa sögu þessa en þó hefi eg þig séð
illmannlegastan mann og eigi deilir litur kosti ef þú gefst vel."Geir spoke "Right (correctly) must you have said this story but nevertheless I have seen you as a most dishonest man but appearance is no test if you turn out well
(MM&HP - appearances are deceptive)
Fór Skammkell heim og ríður fyrst í Kirkjubæ og kallar út Otkel. Hann fagnar
vel Skammkatli.Skammkel went off home and rode first to Kirkby and called Otkel out. He greets Skammkel well
What lies will now be told - you could not trust Skammkel to give the house cat his fishThe last few lines - from - now we may have Skammkel - I found for no good reason - to be confusing - working late - bad plan saved this (sending) til morning - but it seems no clearerAll critique welcomeKveðjaPatricia