Thanks LN - this phrase - with þaðan - I saw it as two separate phrases
But logically it is all one phrase -  she is implying that the food has it's origin
somewhere pleasant - and most likely to my mind was telling her twisted
version of a truth - Otkel's store had such good provisions in it
I have found now it takes yahoo about 10 minutes to on pass a message - and
That is very good - superb - compared to snail mail 
-------Original Message-------
From: llama_nom
Date: 03/03/2007 16:22:23
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal's Saga Ch 48 to End - Patricia's TranslaTION

> Hún lét vel yfir hans ferð.
> She is well pleased with his journey.

And shows that she's well pleased, expresses her pleasure at his journey.

> "Þaðan sem þú mátt vel eta," segir hún

Yes, 'þaðan' on its own = "from there", but here it's combined with
'sem' to give it a relative sense: 'þaðan sem' "from where...", "from
somewhere where..." Where did it come from? "Somewhere that you are
well able to eat [food] from." MM & HP paraphrase: "From a source
that should not spoil your appetite."

> og lýstur hana kinnhest.

Uh oh.

> (serves her right )

You may have a point there, but she WILL remember.