Whew at last things seem to be working better, Yahoo has started to send to me again and the printer has been fixed - way to go
Þrællinn mælti: "Vondur hefi eg verið en aldrei hefi eg þjófur verið."
Þrællin spoke "Bad - I have been but never have I been a thief

"Heyr á endemi," segir Hallgerður, "þú gerir þig góðan þar sem þú hefir bæði
verið þjófur og morðingi og skalt þú eigi þora annað en fara ella skal eg
láta drepa þig."
" Hear an unheard of thing (Z2) /for shame says Hallgerð "you make yourself out good where you have been both a thief and a murderer and you shall not dare otherwise than go (Do as ?I say) or I shall have you killed"

Hann þóttist vita að hún mundi svo gera ef hann færi eigi.
He thought (to himself) to know / believed - that she would do if he did not go
Tók hann um
nóttina tvo hesta og lagði á lénur og fór í Kirkjubæ.
He took two horses during the night and on them placed pads  for packing and went to Kirkby
Hundurinn gó eigi að
honum og kenndi hann og hljóp í mót honum og lét vel við hann.
The Dog did not bark at him and knew him/recognised him and ran to meet him and behaved well with him (Z also has yielded = much the same)
Síðan fór
hann til útibúrs og lauk upp og klyfjaði þaðan tvo hesta af mat en brenndi
búrið og drap hundinn.
Afterwards he went to the out-building (store) unlocked and immediately loaded (the) two horses with the food and burned the building and killed the dog (WHY)
Hann fer upp með Rangá. Þá slitnar skóþvengur hans og
tekur hann hnífinn og gerir að.
He goes up along the Rang River. Then (at the time) his shoelace was broken and he takes out the knife and works on it
Honum liggur eftir hnífurinn og beltið. Hann
fer þar til er hann kemur til Hlíðarenda.
He leaves behind the knife and belt.
He travels until he comes to Hliðarend (looks more like the Knife is left behind it is nom. (?) and honum - Acc)
Þá saknar hann hnífsins og þorir
eigi aftur að fara, færir nú Hallgerði matinn. Hún lét vel yfir hans ferð.
He then misses (new intro to O/N) the knife and dares not to go back for it, brings now the food to Hallgerð. She is well plesed with his journey (Cow)

Um morguninn er menn komu út í Kirkjubæ sáu menn þar skaða mikinn. Var þá
sendur maður til þings að segja Otkatli því að hann var á þingi.
In the morning when people came to Kirkby they saw great damage. A man was sent  to Thing to tell Otkel because he was at Thing
Hann var
vel við skaðann og kvað það valdið mundu hafa að eldhúsið var áfast
útibúrinu og ætluðu það þá allir að það mundi til hafa borið.
He took news of the damage well and declared it would/must have been caused by the kitchen (firehouse !!?) which was attached (shared a wall with) to the out-building and then all assumed/expected that it (Kitchen fire) had set it alight (the out-building)
(that they had left the chip-pan on)

Nú ríða menn heim af þingi og riðu margir til Hlíðarenda. Hallgerður bar mat
á borð og kom innar ostur og smjör.
Now men ride home from Thing and many ride to Hliðarend. Hallgerð carries food to table and came in with cheese and butter
Gunnar vissi slíks matar þar ekki von og
spurði Hallgerði hvaðan það kæmi.
Gunnar knew such food was not expected/available and asked Hallgerð whence it came

"Þaðan sem þú mátt vel eta," segir hún, "enda er það ekki karla að annast um
"From (over) there - as you may well eat" says she "and it is not to a (mere) man to be able to do housekeeping"
(þaðan - from there + From Norway - new intro to O/N)

Gunnar reiddist og mælti: "Illa er þá ef eg er þjófsnautur" og lýstur hana
Gunnar was moat angry (furious would be better) and said "evil it is that I am a partaker with thieves and strikes her cheek.
(Am I to eat with thieves - slap  !!)  (serves her right )

Hún kvaðst þann hest muna skyldu og launa ef hún mætti.
She declared herself to remember  (the slap) and get even if she might  (WHEN!!)
Gekk hún þá fram og
hann með henni og var þá borið allt af borðinu en borið innar slátur
Then she went out and he with her, and everything (butter and cheese was borne away from table and borne in  instead - flesh meat  *note*
ætluðu allir að það mundi til hafa borið að þá mundi þykja fengið betur.
Fara þingmenn nú í braut
and everyone expected / decided it was put away and replaced by   (it seems )better provisions.
Now Men rode  away from Thing (back home)
I have wanted to distinguish between mát - as in they sat at meat (meaning a meal )
and the word  slátr - Flesh meat when the Cheese and butter (luxuries were obviously stolen - most people of that time may have felt guilty at eating other people provisions in a time of hardship for most.
I hope to have done better with this - it took long enough
any comments welcome